
Review Detail of IcyTurtle in World Of Heroes

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The early few chapters are pretty good despite feel a bit rush for me and then when the MC encounter acquaintance and have a cooperation with the person the story is still pretty fun to read. However the story quality got worse by each chapter after that, there are so many inconsistent and plain unnatural course of action along the way. It keep making me wonder if the author is the same person or not as the quality drop is absurbly high. My biggest beef with the novel is the myriad of info dumbs that can be a huge bother to read. Writting quality is good as I didn't notice any sightnificant issue so far. The update stability seem good on my standard (3 chapters/week). The story development is non exist so far. Character design is fine, like the MC suppose to be empty/emotionless and yet he got panic, stress, angry at every single moment (this is one issue I have with later chapters). His friend is pretty helpful and generally good character to cheer on. Some minors character have some depth to them albeit superficial. World background is lacking, like I still don't know much about what is what and where is where. I might revisit this novel at later date, but the chance is slim. Don't mind my harsh review and just took the benefit critism.

World Of Heroes


Được 5 người thích


Trả lời5


thank tou for this review, it's truly the best considering that it covers the biggest flaws of the novel. The chapters between 9-14 were essential for story progression and for the general outline as the many things mentioned there will take a big part in the latter arcs. And, unfortunately, trying to compile both the necessities and how the story was actually supposed to go, created a big cluster **** from chapter 9-14. which I wholeheartedly apologize for. But, I can safely say that all of that will be atoned to starting from chapter 21 and forward where the story will not go through any inconsistencies or weird phases, and will be an amazing arc packed with characters, action, depth, and a lot of world-building. I'm sorry that you had to drop the story, I truly am. But, I hope that you can find that tiny amount of motivation to continue reading from my reply.


Well, if the quality improve then I will re read this novel once it got around 40 chapters. As I don't think review can be edit, I will give new review accordingly once I read it again in the future. I hope you won't forget that MC is neither kind or evil, he is amoral and apathy, so he should act like one (like in the early chapters) where he was neither feel happy or sad after his revenge, he just feel empty and lost. If it is hard to visualise, you can think of him as A.I. in human body or carbon base A.I. on my term, hopefully this advice give you some benefit.

Joseph_char:thank tou for this review, it's truly the best considering that it covers the biggest flaws of the novel. The chapters between 9-14 were essential for story progression and for the general outline as the many things mentioned there will take a big part in the latter arcs. And, unfortunately, trying to compile both the necessities and how the story was actually supposed to go, created a big cluster **** from chapter 9-14. which I wholeheartedly apologize for. But, I can safely say that all of that will be atoned to starting from chapter 21 and forward where the story will not go through any inconsistencies or weird phases, and will be an amazing arc packed with characters, action, depth, and a lot of world-building. I'm sorry that you had to drop the story, I truly am. But, I hope that you can find that tiny amount of motivation to continue reading from my reply.

Well, if the quality improve then I will re read this novel once it got around 40 chapters. As I don't think review can be edit, I will give new review accordingly once I read it again in the future. I hope you won't forget that MC is neither kind or evil, he is amoral and apathy, so he should act like one (like in the early chapters) where he was neither feel happy or sad after his revenge, he just feel empty and lost. If it is hard to visualise, you can think of him as A.I. in human body or carbon base A.I. on my term, hopefully this advice give you some benefit.

Joseph_char:thank tou for this review, it's truly the best considering that it covers the biggest flaws of the novel. The chapters between 9-14 were essential for story progression and for the general outline as the many things mentioned there will take a big part in the latter arcs. And, unfortunately, trying to compile both the necessities and how the story was actually supposed to go, created a big cluster **** from chapter 9-14. which I wholeheartedly apologize for. But, I can safely say that all of that will be atoned to starting from chapter 21 and forward where the story will not go through any inconsistencies or weird phases, and will be an amazing arc packed with characters, action, depth, and a lot of world-building. I'm sorry that you had to drop the story, I truly am. But, I hope that you can find that tiny amount of motivation to continue reading from my reply.

indeed the advice is very helpful. Thank you again, and I can promise you that the story will become far better. have a great day!

IcyTurtle:Well, if the quality improve then I will re read this novel once it got around 40 chapters. As I don't think review can be edit, I will give new review accordingly once I read it again in the future. I hope you won't forget that MC is neither kind or evil, he is amoral and apathy, so he should act like one (like in the early chapters) where he was neither feel happy or sad after his revenge, he just feel empty and lost. If it is hard to visualise, you can think of him as A.I. in human body or carbon base A.I. on my term, hopefully this advice give you some benefit.

I've given my review already and I'll be coming back after the chapters stack up. Your review is an eye opener. I haven't been to the parts that you've mentioned so my review is based on the early chapters. I hope I won't get disappointed later. Thanks for your review. Stay safe and healthy