
Review Detail of JKaiya in Nopenope

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Honest speaking, the title made me hesitant to read, but reading the first chapter I thought it was kinda good. Pretty sure author's main insperation was the korean novel "The Tutorial is Too Hard". This is as towers appear around the world while the first 5 floors are mandatory to be alone. Which is pretty much a copy of it, other than it being a tutorial. I dont really mind this as its just a basic setting and honestly speaking the book was ruined in the later chapters really bad. So I take this as the author's own version of the possible story. Towers around the world appeared one day and forced attractes people into the tower other than MC who voluntarily went in. This was when the novel quickly went downhill. I cant really say much about characters as Ive only read 5 chaps but the one chapter he had interacted with the other people inside the tower was really cringe and stuff. The random man he met going into the tower with him is super brave and excited and telling mc to go away as this is his story basically. Erm ok? Then people atart to question where they are but no one ia really nervoua at all even though a big suspicious tower juat randomly appeared forcefully bringing them in against there will voluntarily till they are inside. Only person who is scared is the accquantence he had which just so happened to be a girl which just so happened to hug him puttinf her head onto his chest, which just so happened to be only person actually scared in the crowd of hundreds or thousands of people, which just happened to be a beauty probably in love with him when it was explained he literally has 0 time for anything other than work, and everyone at the lobby just all happened to speak the same language. Ugh... This novel couldve still been saved as u can just read past the forced plot with holes to get to better parts however after that the novel takes another dip. The story started to focus too much on stats and items making it about 75% content *cough filler cough* for the next 3 chaps. I get that it looka good when u imagine it in your head with stories like this but there's a reason why lots of people dislike most video game stories, that is because they turn out like this. I gave up once I got to the sixth chap. Overall though, it might be better than "The Tutorial is Too Hard" if the quality is consistent, as seriously, other than pretty good couple of chaps at start in that book, the quality went to poo later. Also I rated update stability as 4 as it was 5 chaps per week yesterday but 4 tday so idk if its going to be dropped. Btw if this review is deleted Ill be back :)



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Emoboy222Tác giảEmoboy222

Thank you for the honest review! I can honestly say that I've never even heard of "The Tutorial is Too Hard" so no idea how similar my story is to that one, but I understand the concern with stats which is why I stopped doing stats often later on as I didn't want my story to be dependent on them. The quality of the novel is a big concern of mine as well. Some days when I'm writing I feel great about the chapter and where the story is going, other days I honestly feel like the chapter is straight garbage. It's definitely a challenge to keep up good quality chapters while posting every day, but I will continue to try to do the best I can! I'd love to see another review after you've read more chapters to see if it gets better in your eyes or even worse. Thank you for reading my story nonetheless.


Dude if you just kept reading you would see that he just forgets about the girl your describing when he leaves the tower. Not even a mention of her at all. Also 99% of people died on the first 3 levels of the tower. Then you got op as heck monsters coming out of the tower on a monthly basis with monsters that look like they would be from floor 20 and up and lo and be hold most guns and anything that didn't come from the tower don't work as well as things that did come from the tower. Also the people that went in? died. You get some weird psychotic people who somehow survived the horror of the first 2 floors. All together it's less then 10 people who survived he tragedy of the tower.