
Review Detail of andie_rai in I Have A Super USB Drive

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I have read raw mtl version and Like most Urban type stories it start out OK then the MC taste power and you find out he was a Racist Xenophobic Murderous Sociopath the whole time and just didn't have the ability to be himself. Just a typical Chinese main characte

I Have A Super USB Drive

Darkness Black Bear

Được 253 người thích


Trả lời68


Lol try again, America is one of the most diverse countries... you really tried to do something there 🤦‍♂️

YuushaExa:> Racist Xenophobic Murderous Sociopath basically average American man?

you gave a summary for every single chinese novel out there


> Racist Xenophobic Murderous Sociopath basically average American man?


Just finished chapter 9 and author talk way too good about North America culture. Maybe OP means reversed racism? NA culture - s**** comics about superheroes that keeps publishing for 75 years! Kim and her family. 3/10 tv shows. That's all! Idk why f***** chinese in love with NA culture. European culture way better.


Everyone will be more or less like that with the power systems that this kind of novels give.- If you have the power to do whatever you please with no consequence, nobody even being aware of that and hitting your reputation, etc, you will target the people that offended you too.-


nope, i think this story is more about individualist. spoiler that you may want. every country want his technology so even chinese let america attack him. lol

Nội dung đã bị xóa

Yeah for sure. Who doesn't love a culture full of people who don't own toothbrushes and take dumps in their streets?

YuushaExa:Just finished chapter 9 and author talk way too good about North America culture. Maybe OP means reversed racism? NA culture - s**** comics about superheroes that keeps publishing for 75 years! Kim and her family. 3/10 tv shows. That's all! Idk why f***** chinese in love with NA culture. European culture way better.

No the average America straight cis WHITE man

YuushaExa:> Racist Xenophobic Murderous Sociopath basically average American man?

I dont know what you guys consuder racism , there is none here. In this novel, the author will describe the charm of different countries from time to time and you will realize while reading that the author actually took the extra mile to research stuff all the time. Be it actual facts about scientific publications and science in general, or for instance - german language. In a chapter a character teaches another character about german language, including common mistakes made with grammar and pronounciation. Ithere were some famous chinese hackers introduced at some point and people lost their shit like "oh ofc its a chinese dude" when it Were less than a handful of hackers who had some fame, like them being chinese said "there are no good hackers from different countries in the world" no, the mc was just specifically looking for people living in china cuz - guess what - people outside of china wouldnt have been helpful for someone whi had no way to make use of them. Dont believe these bigots claiming the author is a racist or that he includes over the top chinese patriotism thats far from it. Just these people go juts everytime any character in the novel says anything about china or chinese people that is not negative. The real racists are people maling these claims. That, or their privileged western asses doesnt matter which skin color they have, never experienced or saw actual racism.


Dont believe what this dude is saying there is no nationalist bs in this novel. This dude probably only read a few chapters where some chinese hackers where introduced. Like what gives? Mc lived in china at that point, so he needed people based in china. He also needed high quality hackers so what did he find? Expert hackers who happebed to be chinese, and that is what this guy calls racism and nationalism.

Nội dung đã bị xóa


Nội dung đã bị xóa

are you by chance racist?

YuushaExa:Just finished chapter 9 and author talk way too good about North America culture. Maybe OP means reversed racism? NA culture - s**** comics about superheroes that keeps publishing for 75 years! Kim and her family. 3/10 tv shows. That's all! Idk why f***** chinese in love with NA culture. European culture way better.

just hope theres no racism, especially the one directed to Japanese, dropped quite a few novels as they were to obvious with their racism, I don't care if the author is a patriot, even if there is racism just hope it's on the low side (better if there's nothing at all), and sure hope they don't generalize every angry Japanese saying baka -.-


I haven't read this book yet and was looking for comments to help me see if there was the stereotypical Xenophobia, Nationalism, Racist comments you find in most Urban Chinese novels. I was very appreciative of your comment until you started spitting about how no westerners could understand Racism dispite their skin color. That is literally the most privileged thing to say. So as a Black man I've never experienced racism even though I've been harassed by cops, wrongfully profiled by civil and official authorities, nearly assaulted multiple times for simply walking behind or besides someone at a slightly early or late hour etc... just cause I am from the west? And these were not cases of Racism but standard practices by everyday people? I think that's a little ignorant of you to say. America and the West in general is full of Racism and the only ones who don't know it is the ones willfully ignoring it. kinda like you.

LongsonFullmetal:I dont know what you guys consuder racism , there is none here. In this novel, the author will describe the charm of different countries from time to time and you will realize while reading that the author actually took the extra mile to research stuff all the time. Be it actual facts about scientific publications and science in general, or for instance - german language. In a chapter a character teaches another character about german language, including common mistakes made with grammar and pronounciation. Ithere were some famous chinese hackers introduced at some point and people lost their shit like "oh ofc its a chinese dude" when it Were less than a handful of hackers who had some fame, like them being chinese said "there are no good hackers from different countries in the world" no, the mc was just specifically looking for people living in china cuz - guess what - people outside of china wouldnt have been helpful for someone whi had no way to make use of them. Dont believe these bigots claiming the author is a racist or that he includes over the top chinese patriotism thats far from it. Just these people go juts everytime any character in the novel says anything about china or chinese people that is not negative. The real racists are people maling these claims. That, or their privileged western asses doesnt matter which skin color they have, never experienced or saw actual racism.

You misunderstood me there mate I am Living in the west myself, germany actually and have experience racism first hand throughout my childhood and teenage years due to the fact that my grandparents were turkish immigrants. What i meant by my last phrase is, that people who consider what happened in this novel "racist" have never experienced what actual racism looks like. Shouldnt have added that western part to be fair, but these days, people call out racism for every bs even when its not, which, in my eyes, is an insult to those who had to suffer through racism.


Ignoring the racism the novel is good


It gets better in the later chapters


sounds like a good thing

YuushaExa:> Racist Xenophobic Murderous Sociopath basically average American man?

na this mc even goes so far as to repeatedly insult a woman that loves him deeply and call her grandma and aunty and even stupid. when she never betrayed him or anything she just wants to follow him even if it means being his corporate slave. I can honestly say this is one of the few cn that take place in a modern setting that I truly hate

ElG0hary:you gave a summary for every single chinese novel out there

Coming from a reasonable american, that’s only 1/3 ~1/4 of the population. Mainly the brainwashed country hicks and ignorant boomers of the mid 20th century.

YuushaExa:> Racist Xenophobic Murderous Sociopath basically average American man?