
Review Detail of SalmonSensei in Grasping the Evil

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(>>Should be lower rated, but the stars-rating doesn't reflect where this story falls through<<) The writing's good, and the storyline and characters could have been a hit. However, it is all overshadowed by a way-to-easy and forced manner in which things play out. One example could be: Cliché young master (jealous because of MC's fiancée) acts out, trying to embarrass MC. MC in turn shows his new power and stuns everyone. Fiancée (previously didn't like him) expresses her thoughts that MC aren't like any other men she's ever met, expressing her approval. The young master tries to embarrass MC again, MC uses his memory gained from an old immortal to set him in his place. Everyone is taken by MC's intelligence, never to doubt him again. Fiancée approaches MC to discuss engagement. But MC is too-cool-for-school and ignores her. Fiancée is even more impressed and taken with MC as a result. This isn't the best example, but yeah. The story is actually quite good around the edges, but the naivety of characters and childish rhetoric is a constant let-down. It's also disturbing for the reading-experience, in that you can't immerse yourself in the story because of the constant reminder that these characters are too gullible, and the story too easy to be true. Fantasy is of course made up, but it should still be believable so that one can immerse oneself in the story. This is where the novel falls through.

Grasping the Evil

I'm Ink

Được 11 người thích


Trả lời4


At the start, yeah it is, no denying that. But it does gets way better after 300 chapters for me. If you have read until here and still don't find it interesting, it's your opinion, so you can drop the novel or might continue reading. If you want spoilers, you can read mine and Pedram's review in NU. I know, it sounds a bit weird, but you will find the review useful because many misunderstand this novel at the start, it did the same for me.


Nope, this is only at the start, my friend. There will be no young masters afterwards. This is not a generic harem novel at all and trust me, I have read, 100's of those. You should read further and you will find the story getting better and better or either read mine or Pedram's review in Novel updates. Maybe, you will get an idea and also some spoilers, of you want.


But it isn’t just the young masters. It’s the way everyone around the mc feels completly 2dimentional. They very much lack human careteristics and just goes along with whatever. It’s TOO EASY and the plotarmour is too forced. The story aims to make out the mc as a genious with intellect that outshines everyone. But what it seems like is that he’s just normal, while all others are predictable and dumb.

Iamtheend:Nope, this is only at the start, my friend. There will be no young masters afterwards. This is not a generic harem novel at all and trust me, I have read, 100's of those. You should read further and you will find the story getting better and better or either read mine or Pedram's review in Novel updates. Maybe, you will get an idea and also some spoilers, of you want.

Yes. If a story is hard to read you should drop it. No need to force yourself to read it. I like this story a lot. But that's my opinion. And your review expressed your opinion quite well. But I wonder if it's right to express your opinion of a story in form of a review only by reading less than 2.5% of it's translated chapters? Well you definitely had more right than those that didn't even read that much. If you had given 5 instead of 3.5 I wouldn't be even writing this. So I guess it's fine.

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