
Review Detail of DonnEll in The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak

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DonnEllTác giả4yrDonnEll

Hello Author here! First, I would like to say that I don't have much vocabulary. I'm still an ******* and my grades in English subj were lower than you could have imagined. So some words kept repeating but I guarantee you that I've already planned this whole story. I've already had all that Arcs and the Ending in my notebook(I've wrote it there at the back of my math notebook). I think for for those people who like reading adventures and action will like my novel. This will be a full action story... Probably... Hais... I don't know what I was saying anymore. Well, thanks for reading and I will accept all the criticism with open arms. Good luck! I hope you enjoy it! I truly truly hope that you enjoy it, no, I wish that you enjoy it.

The Evolution of a Goblin to the Peak


Được 164 người thích


Trả lời58


A word of advice, run your episodes through a different site and have it read out to you, works great.


Can you tell us how many chapters will there, as you r saying you have an ending (approx) as no one wants to read a story that will drop after 40-50 chapters


I suggest adding a small amount of Romance to the story

DonnEllTác giảDonnEll

Although it's incomplete, I've already wrote 70+ chapters in my native language. I'm just translating it into english language. Well, it's hard but it's also enjoyable.

VoiD_dEmOn:Can you tell us how many chapters will there, as you r saying you have an ending (approx) as no one wants to read a story that will drop after 40-50 chapters

It's also great practice. As people say practice makes perfect just like manners maketh man

DonnEll:Although it's incomplete, I've already wrote 70+ chapters in my native language. I'm just translating it into english language. Well, it's hard but it's also enjoyable.

You can get grammarly it's a program that automatically corrects your text

DonnEllTác giảDonnEll

I've tried that before but it needs internet to correct my grammar. Unfortunately, I don't have permanent internet here.

Unchanging:You can get grammarly it's a program that automatically corrects your text

As a native English speaker I've always wanted to try my hand at editing. While I may not have a degree in English or anything, I do understand how to make sentences flow correctly. Also, I love the Isekai genre with monsters as the MC.


The MC Will have a wife?

DonnEll:I've tried that before but it needs internet to correct my grammar. Unfortunately, I don't have permanent internet here.

Author you should probably change your synopsis cause it kind of says that the MC is gonna be snowballing this novel because he is the best.


Ay we have the same name


I have a degree in English, would it be possible to speak concerning diving into the world you’ve made and how it can be written to be more easily understood.


Sent out an email, let me know when you get it

Nội dung đã bị xóa

“Poor Faulkner. Does he really think big emotions come from big words? He thinks I don’t know the ten-dollar words. I know them all right. But there are older and simpler and better words, and those are the ones I use.” ― Ernest Hemingway Remember that big words do not necessarily equate to a better novel, an easy to read and easy to comprehend story will always gather a larger group of readers than a mire of big and obscure words that people will have to google to understand your story. Just remember that your path as an author will be difficult to tread, so just keep taking it one step at a time at a pace that you will not easily trip and fall, and if you should fall, I hope you have the courage to stand back up and keep moving forward.


That is good that you are taking your time to translate it, I mean it ain’t nice to read stories translated using google translate

DonnEll:Although it's incomplete, I've already wrote 70+ chapters in my native language. I'm just translating it into english language. Well, it's hard but it's also enjoyable.

I am just about to read the story, I am expecting romance, but it disturbs me a little knowing that the MC is a goblin

Thegreatdumbledore:I suggest adding a small amount of Romance to the story

Maybe u into bestiality

Xavierwolf:As a native English speaker I've always wanted to try my hand at editing. While I may not have a degree in English or anything, I do understand how to make sentences flow correctly. Also, I love the Isekai genre with monsters as the MC.

Judging by your email I can say that you are probably a person that originated from the same country as me

Nội dung đã bị xóa

Your novel is the Best I meant it really Currently my no.1 Novel


Ayyyyyy its a Nino fan


you're from Philippines? good luck on your novel

DonnEll:Although it's incomplete, I've already wrote 70+ chapters in my native language. I'm just translating it into english language. Well, it's hard but it's also enjoyable.