
Review Detail of T0X1N in Ghost of the Uchiha

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T0X1NTác giả3yrT0X1N

Author here, an entire year later... I know, took a while. First of all, I must apologize to everyone that supported my story, and to all the friends I made during that time. This last year was full of ups and downs, and I learned a lot of things, made a lot of mistakes, as well as learned a great deal of lessons. I now feel like it's the time to sit down and put pen to paper once again. I re-read my story over the last few days, trying to catch up with everything before picking it back up. I noted some mistakes and things that I would've rather changed. I'll list some below. If you're a new reader, this may contain spoilers, so proceed at your own risk. - The pace of the story is fast... Very fast. I suppose that with short chapters, I wanted to get through content faster and keep you guys' attentions. Although its not exactly a bad thing, I would've preferred if some arcs, like the land of tea, had a little more to them and were more developed. - Although Jun is Madara, I sort of used this as an excuse to make him stronger at a very fast pace. He is MEANT to be strong, don't get me wrong, but I would've preferred it if he struggled more against some opponents (namely Kakuzu and some others.) - Akane, Kushina, and some other minor characters. While focusing on Madara, I realize I neglected these side-characters that either didn't appear enough, or just were skimmed over. Kushina will get some more of my attention in the future, so all of you fanboys, rest assured. ------ Alright, that marks the end of my self-reflection. It is but a small amount of my worries, but I'm going to spend the next few weeks tying up loose ends in my mind, strengthening the plot for the following arcs, and developing characters as well as the world around them. I'm going to make sure that once GOTU comes back, it comes back much better. As for the chapter length, expect around 2 chapters a day, 1000 words each. Its less releases a day, but overall, more content. The pace will probably be slower, so please look forward to it. As for WHEN I'm coming back? I just finished the re-read and am getting to planning. I will make sure to come back in at most a week or two, so yeah. Let's hope for the best. Anyways, thank you for listening to this author here. I also thank you all for still supporting the book and awaiting my return. Stay safe, and have a good one, - T0X1N.

Ghost of the Uchiha


Được 103 người thích


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god damn a year later and still no post


will be looking forward to it👍


Halleluja! One of the best stories has returned [img=recommend]


i waiting this story from december 2020,and im glad youre back


author san can u please ship tsunade with madara hehe it would really be a huge fan service but if not please do let me know so i dont have like any kind of anticipation from the two of them being shipped and let me know if you need an editor i am willing to help english is my second language so i might be able to help making it easier and more reader friendly and not that its bad its awesome. was saying just incase anyways will be looking forward to this masterpiece's next chapters


Humanity is not lost yet! You don't know the emptiness it gave me when I saw the fic was on hiatus.


discord link?




are you going to continue gara?


Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara.. Continue this and gaara..


If you gonna continue this firstly thanks for your hard work author, n pls dont hang me on cliffhanger again T.T, u can end it first even though its rushed, at least its not dropped and make it a clear happy ending :) . And again, Thank youu :D


What happend to gaara


I'll be waiting ~~


I hope to see more chapters in the future. It is a great fanfic after all 🤞


Ummm... author... did u just fkin dropped this again before even continuing it?!! Where is the 'at most a week or two'? Or maybe youre writing till the end before released it?🤔 pls dont give us hope just to be brokened again :'(


It’s cool just glad your back I can’t wait to see what happens next


Looking forward to your comeback


I just finished GOTU till "construction" and was soooo glad to see this message! Will be looking forward to reading what you write... I'm going to read your Gaara si fix now... Thanks again for the reassurance!

T0X1NTác giảT0X1N

don't worry! some stuff got in the way, but I'm coming back. A week or two was my estimation at the time but its taking a bit longer.

Trucker69:Ummm... author... did u just fkin dropped this again before even continuing it?!! Where is the 'at most a week or two'? Or maybe youre writing till the end before released it?🤔 pls dont give us hope just to be brokened again :'(

it's already dropped

Lord_Nuxanor:are you going to continue gara?

Looking forward to your come back author san