
Review Detail of Tora_Dexter in Hidden Omega

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I liked the writing style and build-ups in your story. However, I just felt very betrayed as the story progressed. It is like you give us hope that people can change and then you suddenly change your mind. I understand that plot twists make the story interesting but they just constantly keep on the edge of seat and in the end I just get disappointed. For e.g. with Jayden you never really gave us an explanation of why he was bad at first and then nice and then turned into the bad guy again. I really thought you could have made him a better character. Because I had really high hopes of him, based on how you built his character. Then I just stopped reading I felt like it was so emotionally exhausting. Maybe, if this was your intention you could have condensed the story and reduced that amount of twists.

Hidden Omega


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