
Review Detail of BattleKing10000 in Gundam System ( Gundam ULTER )

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This is a Great Gundam Fanfic,, The story is solid, needs a little more fleshing out but it's best that it's still early. Updated regularly and and Decent grammar 👌 better than a lot of other fanfics starting out. 😎👊💥 The Oc Characters are believable and have personality and are not just slap together cliches.😉👏 Keep up the good work.😁🤝🤘

Gundam System ( Gundam ULTER )


Được 5 người thích


Trả lời2


Decent grammar? Not even close, clearly didn’t even read the novel. The whole thing is a cliche, how the grandchildren of the previous main characters of each series fell for the mc for no reason whatsoever is an example. Which is ridiculous because they were all suspicious of him until he said “Let’s be friends”. Literally two chapters later they all fell for him out of nowhere and it’s shown that they did when they’re jealous of the girl the mc saved first for hugging him after he somehow came back alive with a near depleted energy pack for one of his MANY Gundams which is another issue I have. Why the hell are there so many Gundams? Why does the mc trust random people he just saved with these walking atomic bombs? Literally ANY of these machines is enough to wipe armies and he needs two to fight a small squad of beast that are a little better than Zakus. The author was just trying to find reasons to show off these machines he came up with, I mean he could’ve just used one machine repetitively which would’ve made more sense since showing off all of your cards is just fucking retarded for the ‘Genius’ the author claims his mc to be. Then the soldiers he saves abandons the multiple governments they fight for and all of them are like “Yeah you do that, here you can have more if you want!”. Like what the hell?! Anyway that’s the end of my rant, in summary it’s a wish fulfillment with horrible grammar that makes you reread entire paragraphs trying to get even a glimpse of enlightenment about what the author is trying to convey. So don’t waste your time on this like I did.


maybe this is the reason the story isn't continuing not that I know since I haven't even read lololol

Seud:Decent grammar? Not even close, clearly didn’t even read the novel. The whole thing is a cliche, how the grandchildren of the previous main characters of each series fell for the mc for no reason whatsoever is an example. Which is ridiculous because they were all suspicious of him until he said “Let’s be friends”. Literally two chapters later they all fell for him out of nowhere and it’s shown that they did when they’re jealous of the girl the mc saved first for hugging him after he somehow came back alive with a near depleted energy pack for one of his MANY Gundams which is another issue I have. Why the hell are there so many Gundams? Why does the mc trust random people he just saved with these walking atomic bombs? Literally ANY of these machines is enough to wipe armies and he needs two to fight a small squad of beast that are a little better than Zakus. The author was just trying to find reasons to show off these machines he came up with, I mean he could’ve just used one machine repetitively which would’ve made more sense since showing off all of your cards is just fucking retarded for the ‘Genius’ the author claims his mc to be. Then the soldiers he saves abandons the multiple governments they fight for and all of them are like “Yeah you do that, here you can have more if you want!”. Like what the hell?! Anyway that’s the end of my rant, in summary it’s a wish fulfillment with horrible grammar that makes you reread entire paragraphs trying to get even a glimpse of enlightenment about what the author is trying to convey. So don’t waste your time on this like I did.