
Review Detail of Carroter in Evolution of a White Lotus

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CarroterTác giả5yrCarroter

This novel is the author’s romanticization of plants. There are no scary spiders or insects creeping under every leaf of a plant, ready to give the next passerby a heart attack. The author is just creating her own ideal world where those who fear itty bitty creatures can peacefully live in harmony with beautiful flowers. I’m kidding. You guys should be aware that a shameless author review is among the least trustworthy of reviews. Read a different review. Thank you to those who have chosen to give this novel a shot c:

Evolution of a White Lotus


Được 13 người thích


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LOL I'm laughing so much from this author review! Well done 😇 Honestly what an interesting concept for a main character. I hope she's not consumed by her past and is able to learn valuable lessons from her past self while growing as a real white lotus (hahaha lol!) Lets see how this develops!


“Read a different review.” No need. This review is enough of a reason for me to read this novel lol 😆


First author i see that actually writes a review :) for that i at least give it a try :P