
Review Detail of Not_a_person in Monster Integration

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This book has very few redeeming qualities in my eyes. The writing is laughable, in spite of an "editor". The first chapter makes me physically ill to read, with many grammar and spelling mistakes. The word choice is terrible. After you get past the writing quality, you see a story that is pretty on par for a novel on this website. Average at best, boring and strange at worst. I read around 50 chapters of this a while back, and gave it another chance and read the first 50 chapters again. My opinion still has not changed, proving to myself that I am not insane by skipping out on this novel and instead making me question the sanity of those still reading this. This is not an indictment of the story as a whole, but the beginning of the novel is the most important part. It needs the most care and attention compared to any other part of the novel. The intro of this novel should be thrown in the trash and rewritten, if the author were to appeal to a wider audience. If not then just continue adding on to the story that has been made and know that no new readers will show up.

Monster Integration


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