
Review Detail of AnActualLivingPoet in Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos

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The story started out quite well, it was interesting, it had action, but it turned to sh*t at the 200 or so chapter mark. I mean don't get me wrong, your writing quality and updates are still awesome, but the way you introduced the heroine's from Danmachi was in a word slutty. They became generic Dating Sim gals on easy mode. They easily- no brainlessly fell for a pathetic guy who can "Emphatize" with them. In 3 mere months nonetheless. (F*ck! I can do that, hold my beer) I won't go into anymore details about this as I've already read a few reviews that were more specific about this topic. As for Vahn, I just plainly don't like him. You have great skills author, but Vahn is ****. He's just a cheap knock off of Bell. Without his plot armor "The path" he can't even compare. He's just a sad child that didn't know how to belong in the world, but somehow became a great socialite that could get every heroine(although braindead) to bed with only a few interactions. Give an autistic person a chance to reincarnate as a normal one, then give him "The Path", a handsome face and a large dick. I guarantee he'll do a better job than this faggot. Anyways, Writing quality - 5 Stability in updates - 5 Story Development - 1 (because 7/10 chapters are more on Vahn's daily life flirting with who knows how many girls especially in the early chapters) Character Design - 1 (You designed Vahn enough said) World Background - 1 (Danmachi is a great world don't get me wrong, but it's nothing new. I already read about it in the original don't want to read the same thing here) Overall : 2.6 Little advice bro, criticism isn't bad, you can learn and grow from them. But if you insist that everyone is wrong and you are right then you'll never be number 1.

Endless Path : Infinite Cosmos


Được 189 người thích


Trả lời32


When does he leave the danmachi world?


Sooooooooo, truthfully speaking, it took me quite a bit of scrolling to actually see a review with some sense put in. The others were all mindless spams done by trolls? Fans? Nah, i dunno but what i do know is that these reviews are not without consent. People won't bash you of they love you and your writing, dear author.

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Im sorry, wtf? I read the review = perfectly reasonable. Then i see author sucking himself off because he cant accept less then 4. At this point, you are getting annoying. If i dont see you at every bad review saying their wrong or telling them to use the metric system then you must be browsing newest to find someone to tell them their wrong. He was even complimenting you at the start but you still couldnt accept it. Your review section is cancerous. Every time you click newest you can see an endless stream of positive spam. And why do i find you at every low rated review?

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What entitles me is the bs you spout along with your believe that your story is perfect that has reached a point of denial. At this point is it the denial or your ego thats speaking? Brake down? You just straight up denied it.

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That was actually funny. Let me. "Giving me a 1 for Character Design, when I've built up a story with several original characters and incorporated them into the world without deviating from the sensibilities of the world is an obvious result of your bias"- is this not just you sucking yourself off based off your opinion completely disregarding his? If you lowkey compliment yourself saying you did good how is that not your ego speaking? whats the difference between what your'e doing and what hes supposedly doing? "For Story Development, yet again, that makes absolutely no sense as the entire story, for nearly seven hundred chapters, flows relatively seamlessly"- Again, you complimenting yourself because you believe your story development is 'seamless'. This is basically just you saying he's wrong just because you don't agree with him. "Complaining about the content of the story is one thing, but saying it has 1 star, the minimum score, for Development itself is using a completely different metric than the words themselves represent"- Its not your right to question him on how he rates you when it all comes down to opinion. "Even if 7/10ths of the novel was about Vahn's interpersonal relationships, they are constantly developing along with the plot, thus making the point you so arbitrarily threw out entirely baseless."- Only when there isn't a reason is something baseless, and a bias doesn't come out of nothing and if you tell his comment is baseless then say so, so i know im wasting my time. "As for the World Background, you'd be hard pressed to find out much information about the world of Danmachi whereas I've put in hundreds of chapters just building it up and going into greater detail about the internal workings of various countries and their political structure"- Again you just plain complementing yourself again, its not that amazing, anyone making a fan-fic should be able to do that as long as they have some basic knowledge and be able to make it fit in to the story, i compliment you for that. "Thus, once again, your rating makes no sense within the context of the novel and is purely through your own personal bias"- At this point i think your'e confusing the word 'bias' with personal opinion. "I tend to treat criticism very seriously, and that seems to offend people because they don't give it seriously, just unabashedly through their own justifications of events."- aren't you just saying you don't have the capability to get your point across? "Though it may come across as arrogant, as any 'rebuttal' seems to be taken as an offense, it isn't an accident that I managed to get within the top 10 after just a few weeks of writing. If the story was half as bad as you seem to believe, I wouldn't have been within the top five for several months in a row, regardless of how 'superior' you seem to think your own sensibilities may be in comparison to the norm."- This is actually hilarious. Your review section is cancer no matter how you try to spin it. Him saying you can be better isn't him saying his sensiblility, its just advise and you respond by saying he thinks hes superior. you just sound close minded and think that anyone trying to help is either jealous or think their superior. Top is number 1 and i agree you won't get there. Wrote alot more than intended, regretted it halfway but still kept going since i already wrote so much. Also please answer why i find you in every review that has less than 5 stars.

Nội dung đã bị xóa

Its funny that you just deny or ignore everything everything I just said, well its better to just deny one and ignore the rest since you can't refute it. At least its better than watching you struggle to come up with the biggest bs that seems slightly believable to braindead fans. My egos pretty small compared to your inflated ego that thinks its always right and everyone else is wrong. Cause the cancer? please, you're the root of it. Huh, seems i did waste my time writing all that when this is your response.... sigh*~ just look at your reply; its just childish, i dare you to deny that. Please don't reply, not only is this getting boring what you're saying doesn't even have a point anymore. Personal Opinion ( bias in your dictionary)': You messed up the moment you started, the mc isn't special. Hes just an autistic kid that got a system. The Op mc with no good memory that appeared out of nowhere is a cool concept, you just didn't pull it off. As long as a girl is pretty and nice to him they go out. Basically he has no standards, as long as she likes him he thinks shes pretty he instantly likes her back, theres no question of whether she really even deserves him. I like the part of him having special blood, but its almost completely forgotten... At this point he lost his mysteriousness and is just a little kid with a good face and a big D. Isn't he 14? most of those girls are just predators that like him because he acts like a weak shota. I would rather like a cool, mysterious, ( even if its an act) strong ( mentally as well ) and charming mc, on that does it himself and not the plot armor. Also i hate slice of life. It could've been good but its not.

Nội dung đã bị xóa

"You really like throwing out the phrases 'ego' and how other people believe they are right while everyone else is wrong"- dont worry i got the idea from you."Yes, what you did here was very childish and, if you had listened from the beginning, or even took a reasonable approach to everything, it would have been avoided entirely"- you are really good at twisting words, even better than your writing ability."making sure people know just how 'boring' this was to you, even though you didn't have to take things to this point from the very beginning"- true at some point you just didn't have any points at all, just babbling, seriously boring.

Nội dung đã bị xóa

Oops too early."Yes, what you're saying qualifies as bias as it was entirely unprompted and you've been unnecessarily aggressive since the start. Saying someone 'messed up the moment they started' makes no sense whatsoever"- The 'prejudice' is that i don't agree with you, that must be what you mean. Also it makes sense because i doubted that with you r ability you would't pull it off, i was right."You don't even give any real supporting evidence, going out of your way to fabricate an excuse as justification"- you're just ignoring it. Wait, evidence for the personal opinion? That was a joke right? Oh, i see. No wonder you're like this."Vahn doesn't have autism, even if your feeble little brain thinks using it as an insult is ever justified"- seems like your'e the one assuming and the general twisting words, also can you have him stop acting like that then. "Vahn was never meant to be op from the start, as the entire point of the story is his development and pursuit of happiness, so that's a big swing and a miss for ya there little fella"- should've told me that, i didn't know it was meant to be boring from the start. That wasted so much of my time. You're telling me he has standards? That must be a joke, less funny than your points. Also i wonder what standards have anything to do with anything i have said. I have definitely lowered my standards by wasting my time talking to you if thats what you mean, well will twist what i said here anyways. "You're saying the point of him having special blood is completely forgotten, yet its often talked about and was a major plot point several times throughout the story"- talked about. Seems like you have forgotten what a personal opinion is. Its based on my preferences and believes. And don't bother with the cool op mc that doesn't need plot armor to get anything done, you wouldn't understand and yes i agree with you, hes not like that at all.

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EinlionTác giảEinlion


Nydre:Oops too early."Yes, what you're saying qualifies as bias as it was entirely unprompted and you've been unnecessarily aggressive since the start. Saying someone 'messed up the moment they started' makes no sense whatsoever"- The 'prejudice' is that i don't agree with you, that must be what you mean. Also it makes sense because i doubted that with you r ability you would't pull it off, i was right."You don't even give any real supporting evidence, going out of your way to fabricate an excuse as justification"- you're just ignoring it. Wait, evidence for the personal opinion? That was a joke right? Oh, i see. No wonder you're like this."Vahn doesn't have autism, even if your feeble little brain thinks using it as an insult is ever justified"- seems like your'e the one assuming and the general twisting words, also can you have him stop acting like that then. "Vahn was never meant to be op from the start, as the entire point of the story is his development and pursuit of happiness, so that's a big swing and a miss for ya there little fella"- should've told me that, i didn't know it was meant to be boring from the start. That wasted so much of my time. You're telling me he has standards? That must be a joke, less funny than your points. Also i wonder what standards have anything to do with anything i have said. I have definitely lowered my standards by wasting my time talking to you if thats what you mean, well will twist what i said here anyways. "You're saying the point of him having special blood is completely forgotten, yet its often talked about and was a major plot point several times throughout the story"- talked about. Seems like you have forgotten what a personal opinion is. Its based on my preferences and believes. And don't bother with the cool op mc that doesn't need plot armor to get anything done, you wouldn't understand and yes i agree with you, hes not like that at all.

I dont want to use ego.. but its almost like youre dragging it out of me. Just as you said you believe this is to get your attention? Please look at the mirror, im bored and you were entertaining before you started not making sense. I cant see the special in you that deserves my attention. Sigh* i think ou haven't gotten that i don't enjoy it. I give you a little attention and you thing youre all that.... Youre drawing the word ego out of my mouth.


Yep, classic.


Had it in store. Don't respond. I feel nothing would change. It's too late.

EinlionTác giảEinlion


Nydre:Had it in store. Don't respond. I feel nothing would change. It's too late.

ahaHhHhahaHHahahaha dudee, i'm dying... you're deleting ur own commentss hahahahaha I feel so bad for you dudee. You are realizing how stupid you are? lmaoooo the dude got so many points and you just try to get out of the **** that's already too deep.

EinlionTác giảEinlion

You're resurrecting a post from more than six months ago? You must have a lot going on in your life xD...

Pyoug:ahaHhHhahaHHahahaha dudee, i'm dying... you're deleting ur own commentss hahahahaha I feel so bad for you dudee. You are realizing how stupid you are? lmaoooo the dude got so many points and you just try to get out of the **** that's already too deep.

I cast the 5th level spell reincarnation! Let this post become one of positivity and not one of yelling at the author!

Einlion:You're resurrecting a post from more than six months ago? You must have a lot going on in your life xD...

I cast the 5th level spell reincarnation! Let this post become one of positivity and not one of yelling at the author!

Einlion:You're resurrecting a post from more than six months ago? You must have a lot going on in your life xD...

I cast the 5th level spell reincarnation! Let this post become one of positivity and not one of yelling at the author!

Einlion:You're resurrecting a post from more than six months ago? You must have a lot going on in your life xD...

I cast the 5th level spell reincarnation! Let this post become one of positivity and not one of yelling at the author!

Einlion:You're resurrecting a post from more than six months ago? You must have a lot going on in your life xD...

I cast the 5th level spell reincarnation! Let this post become one of positivity and not one of yelling at the author!

Einlion:You're resurrecting a post from more than six months ago? You must have a lot going on in your life xD...

Why did that post 5 times?