
Review Detail of NiawKing22 in Blossoms of Red

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I'm actually very interested in how the story turns out... Very good writing, good flow, good way to kick-off the story with the few subtle interactions revealing a lot about the world. All that without needing any info dumps or tiresome narration. Writing quality may be TOO high for this platform - since the readers here are kind of like "fast food" style.

Blossoms of Red


Được 1 người thích


Trả lời2

yaoyueyiTác giảyaoyueyi

a*** thank you for all the support w/ this story! >//< I'm so grateful hahaha. BoR is my effort story ;u; I definitely put a lot more effort into it than my other story on here rip. And like you said, it's probably bc of the writing that this has a lot less collections. Though I'm not really looking for too many collections and just reviews/comments like the ones you've made that makes me super happy <3 thank you again for all the comments and the review! uwu

yaoyueyiTác giảyaoyueyi

hmm I type a/w/w/w;; no idea why that got censored lol