
Review Detail of ThomschK in Once Human, Now a Parasite

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So... Where do I start. I marked it as a Spoiler because I am at Chapter 565 and I am not sure if I might slip some beans I shouldnt ^^ First lets get to the positive parts since I personally like alot about the story. 1. MC: He is just like most reviews claim him to be. Hypocritical! I like that since I meet alot of people thanks to my job and let me assure you, most people are hypocritical without realizing. Makes him human to me, the fact that his soul got tampered with by "X" is something those reviews tend to cut out. Maybe to strengthen their statement. Hypocritical reasoning, right? You get what I mean. 2. Worldbuilding: Some writers will realize it early on. You need a lot of brainpower to build more than one world/ city/etc. Its not easy to keep track of everything you describe once but its doable. I like the fact that we dont skip through one world and actually get a small summary everytime we remain somewhere for a while. Its confusing to read all those Clans. I mix up some of them all the time but thats a lack on my part. Still love that point. 3. Timeplay Its hard to conclude such timetravelbased plots but so far its well done. There were some mix ups which simple do not add up but the Storyline is still enjoyable and 2 of them could actually be parts of a plot so I refrain from pointing them out. Shot: I like it when authors dare to play with the timeline to spice up a plot. Its not easy to keep track of the days etc. Thats why i enjoy such efforts. The Cons are sometimes contradictive since I like some of them eitherway, so I will just point out what I cant even out by normal means. 1. Loreparts The Lorepars seemed like a nice add to me at first but later on we get some story based on it which doesnt add up in multiple ways. I am not done with that arc yet but i dont see why a authorbased Lore is put prior to an lorebased arc. Even if the claims by the Devil end up being wrong or whatever. It just feels like you dropped a "unused material but too good to delete" Chapter on us. So far its just that but who knows... 2. Length The Story itself requires to be lengthy and i totally get/ enjoy it. Some plots get split by hard forced substories and meanwhile we get sidetracked by some other sidestuff and so on... The story could have been a smooth ride, yet it got forced into the plots we had. I like to read a long story but I get why many people drop it since its valuable time they lose by getting sidetracked allday. Its rough knowing that an author is adding stuff on the way just because. Out of the 500+ Chapters I read so far, I positive that you could cut out around 100-130 Chapters without missing the plotline or anything. Its just lengthened by a big chunk. Then again, there are alot of people who are addicted to consuming stories, therefore I would say you simply cant please everybody and it happened to be a downer on my list. 3. Forced plots That point is the worst in my opinion. I am not talking about your writing skills. I fear that all those remarks about Arthurs changed charakter affected it alot since there were many. Arthurs charakter happened to be weird but in my book it added up. Following the story, at later points you will understand some of the "hypocritical" parts... Anyway... I couldnt understand his loss of "tranquility" in the later arcs... He broke through his instabilities and had a much calmer way of thinking... which you simply dropped after 17 chapters if I dont mix things up. He just gave up being calmer and his arrogance resurfaced. Its not just arrogance, he just became quite trashy in a stereotypical way. He stops thinking about reasons for his behaviour towards new characters. It just "happens" to fit the plot. That fuels some other persons arrogance and so on so on... The lucy capture plot is based on that attitude. He ignores someone who he used to listen to just to let another plot happen, no sense. Lucy never asked about her dissapearence.. which could have fitted some characters but not hers or arthurs. It just does not add up with whats has been written. So I came to the conclusion that I wasted my time on this Story around chapter 150... I should have stopped with the timeskip but I had faith and hope. You did not outright failed me in this regard. The story is good but the way you iniate plots is hard to bear with, really. I did enjoy your story and I gave you a lot of my time, therefore I had to be honest with my reasoning. I dont read alot of novels and maybe i took it too far with the length of this review. For me this will be part of my dreams for a very long time. The Worldbuilding allows me to build enjoyable dreams around it. Thanks for this journey and have fun continuing/ concluding it :)

Once Human, Now a Parasite


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TheCrowTác giảTheCrow

Man, you really have no idea how rare it is to see a constructive criticism instead of full-on hate or insults and disapproval, which is warranted but still... Anyway, I really, really appreciate you writing this and I am well aware that the story has many faults and I think it wouldn't be possible to go back and fix things little by little, especially since I'm currently have other stories to write and the time is simply not enough. One more point I want to make is that this story was my first ever, and when I started, I literally knew nothing about writing and grammar. I just wrote what I liked so, in a way, it's a wish fulfillment. I wrote it after a long day at school and I did not think way ahead in terms of over-arching plots, if you know what I mean. Thank you for reading so far into the story and giving a fair perspective. If you are interested, I am actually writing the B route of this story(57 chapters out already) and it is free on Webnovel. It has a different plot but there are recurring characters and the world is also Astria but more fleshed out. I see it as a second attempt in directing the story in a better and less-faulty way. PS: I apologize for my grammar, especially in the early chapters of A route. English is my third language and I've mostly learnt it through Internet so I always strive to improve and give the best reading experience. Thank you again and I hope you find a good story that entertains you. Good day to you!


Well I liked your story even with the plot holes.

TheCrow:Man, you really have no idea how rare it is to see a constructive criticism instead of full-on hate or insults and disapproval, which is warranted but still... Anyway, I really, really appreciate you writing this and I am well aware that the story has many faults and I think it wouldn't be possible to go back and fix things little by little, especially since I'm currently have other stories to write and the time is simply not enough. One more point I want to make is that this story was my first ever, and when I started, I literally knew nothing about writing and grammar. I just wrote what I liked so, in a way, it's a wish fulfillment. I wrote it after a long day at school and I did not think way ahead in terms of over-arching plots, if you know what I mean. Thank you for reading so far into the story and giving a fair perspective. If you are interested, I am actually writing the B route of this story(57 chapters out already) and it is free on Webnovel. It has a different plot but there are recurring characters and the world is also Astria but more fleshed out. I see it as a second attempt in directing the story in a better and less-faulty way. PS: I apologize for my grammar, especially in the early chapters of A route. English is my third language and I've mostly learnt it through Internet so I always strive to improve and give the best reading experience. Thank you again and I hope you find a good story that entertains you. Good day to you!