


So.. How's life?

2017-11-21 đã tham giaRomania

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  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    Eh pretty disappointing that he keeps getting such weak upgrades. Expected him to be getting powerful while remaining low key but guess this is a slow kinda novel. Imma let it stockpile and see later

    Ch 41 Beck and Ada
    Sovereign of the Firmaments
    Kỳ huyễn · vinayraj
  • KeNNzor
    trả lời Crimson_ink

    Then why did the girl get grade 16? Her body is much weaker than Vincent's. Truly doesn't make that much sense

    Ch 36 Chapter 36: A new mission!
    Blood Evolution System
    Kỳ huyễn · Crimson_ink
  • KeNNzor
    trả lời Elyon

    Hmm.. Anything between 750 and 760 is fair game. But still, it was only a joke haha. Don't worry to much about it. You can leave it as it is as I'm pretty sure most people don't know the details about bpm too much to bother with it.

    Ch 9 Escape! I Must Escape!
    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    Kỳ huyễn · Elyon
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    Author you better get your math right! They are my pet peeve. How can he live to 18 when he only had about 650 million heartbeats in his life? That puts him at best to 14, even 13! If he was a woman, he would have less bpm so it would be kinda plausible, but he was a man. My immersion. My poor soul. I have been done in by math

    Ch 9 Escape! I Must Escape!
    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    Kỳ huyễn · Elyon
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    So going by number of heartbeats, he is 14. Interesting

    Ch 1 I’m Going Ahead First… Don’t Miss Me Too Much
    Reincarnated With The Strongest System
    Kỳ huyễn · Elyon
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    Huh.. Feels strange being here alone. Glad to see you're back tho

    Ch 203 1 Year Later Part 1
    Eye System
    Kỳ huyễn · Adam_A
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    Hey author, how long is this short break gonna be?

    Ch 202 Relaxed Day
    Eye System
    Kỳ huyễn · Adam_A
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    Think you're the only person on this website with a 50 chapter privilege. Borderline sad

    Ch 179 Restrictions
    God´s Eyes
    Thành thị · HideousGrain
  • KeNNzor
    trả lời 2003_Med

    He has irl problems and will be back when everything is sorted out

    Ch 143 Trait Replication
    The Challenger's Return: Rebirth of the Rainbow Mage
    Du hí · NightWind
  • KeNNzor
    trả lời WISEDRAGON

    Joined the discord and asked around to make sure this isn't true. Author is just suffering from lack of ideas. He doesn't know what and how to write more atm and wants to figure out the story and how he should go forward from now on. Not dropped, we just gotta wait

    Ch 143 Trait Replication
    The Challenger's Return: Rebirth of the Rainbow Mage
    Du hí · NightWind
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    But like... Doesn't he have only one arm? Does he have 10 fingers on a hand or what?

    Ch 78 Shopping
    Unlimited Power 02 - The Ranger's Domain
    Kỳ huyễn · ExSoldierLv99
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    Don't give me hope... I already came to accept the fact that the novel is slice of life fantasy. Don't tease me with a fight. It will only make it harder for me

    Ch 241 I'm Gonna Make an Example Out of You!
    Cultivation Online
    Du hí · MyLittleBrother
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    From 200+ chaps to 43? What happened? Why delete the chapters even if the novel is on hiatus

    Ch 43 House Visit(2)
    Stealing Spree - (Moved to a New Link)
    Hiện thực · Dyrem
  • KeNNzor
    trả lời LivingVoid

    Oh wow even reading that part I can't even realize the hint. If you didn't tell me the gist of it, I'd be in the dark even if I knew where to look at

    Ch 114 It happened too fast.
    The Tale of the Void Emperor
    Kỳ huyễn · LivingVoid
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    I can't miss the opportunity to comment first. Author, keep up the great work

    Ch 15 Finding A Weapon.
    The Adapter's System
    Kỳ huyễn · Renovator
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    As I said, here I am back to support your rewriting. I have to say that so far, the story has a much better flow and everything makes more sense than ever. There are still minor grammar mistakes but those will go away with time as you write more and more. The new plot is interesting and the system seems somehow more how it was always meant to be. Good job author, glad it worked out

    Ch 14 The Adaptation Screens
    The Adapter's System
    Kỳ huyễn · Renovator
  • KeNNzor
    trả lời LivingVoid

    The only thing I can take as a hint is that Avelia went poof without even ashes being left of her and the chaos thingy being absorbed. I only took this as her being completely annihilated and the spirit stolen. If you meant it as she was taken prisoner too or somehow transported, it didn't feel that way when reading so I didn't take it as a hint. Except for that, nothing came to view even after looking over the chap again and again

    Ch 114 It happened too fast.
    The Tale of the Void Emperor
    Kỳ huyễn · LivingVoid
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    Huh.. don't even know how to feel. It happened so fast and it feels like there's close to no meaning to her death. Like why even introduce her if you're gonna kill her so soon. If it's just for the MC to have a reason for revenge, that's kinda stupid as he already was on a road to get powerful asap because of his wife. So like what was the mentality behind this situation? Where will this lead and why? I feel like as time goes on, stuff stars making less and less sense while feeling somehow rushed but delayed at the same time. It's pretty off putting. Hope you manage to settle the problems out

    Ch 114 It happened too fast.
    The Tale of the Void Emperor
    Kỳ huyễn · LivingVoid
  • KeNNzor
    trả lời Renovator

    I see. I will be sure to check it out. Do you have an estimation about what time the rework will be done? I will come back and give my support in hoping the story improved. The premise is really interesting and was really sad about having to drop it nonetheless.

    Chương này đã bị xóa
    The Adapter's System
    Kỳ huyễn · Renovator
  • KeNNzor
    bình luận

    Author not trying to sound insulting or anything but the story is really stale at the moment. The mc is incredibly weak and the pace is slower than a snail to say the least. I have skipped the last 4 chaps and from just skimming through this one, I already can deduce at least 80% of what I skipped. The mc at the same time has nothing to make us look forward to. To say he's below average is an extreme overstatement. He is currently the absolute weakest in all of the exam and doesn't seem like this will change in the next tens of chaps either. The system he has is simply there to say that he could get stronger, yet the help is provides is so unbearably insignificant most of the time. I am losing interest in the novel at a rate that by chapter 40 I'll unfortunately most likely drop this. I get that details and setting the story is important but doing so at the lack of progression and quality content doesn't seem the best idea. The change in pov with "30 mins earlier/ 5 hours later" only to then revert back to the original pov is also extremely confusing. I only adds an element to take account for, while we will still not need it as it will get explained AGAIN in a paragraph or two. All in all, the story has potential but it's not for me. I'm sure you will find people who can enjoy this type of novel but guess I'm not one of them. Wish you good luck in the future and hope you manage to come out on top!

    Chương này đã bị xóa
    The Adapter's System
    Kỳ huyễn · Renovator