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My dear boy...YOU were manipulated by Daniel. So uh...guess you have to fuck yourself too?
Ah. He figured it out.
If you don't...then why keep thinking about them?
? Is it just me or is this specific mind set just...repeating across the stories now?
So. My comments on the chapter probably made it clear but...this chapter feels odd to me on a couple of points. Wanna preface by saying, that I'm NOT writing this as things that need to be changed. Mr. author made it clear a while ago that he won't compromise on his vision, and that's more than fine. it's his vision and his story, not mine or anyone else's. this is just me pointing out things in this chapter that just...seem odd to me. On one hand, Yuuto, for all that he shits on Uncle Wren, seems to be asserting that doing the opposite of what that man said to be factually correct...regardless of context. To the point of willing to let Kiril die when not even a bit ago in universe he vowed to not let him die due to him being one of the few truly trustworthy people in the manwha. On the other...the whole thing with asserting that Haruno would automatically be useless if he made it so that everyone can use the system. That second part especially puzzles me, and I don't mean the idea of Haruno letting everyone step over him. Unless I misunderstood something and it turns out that sharing the System made it so that Haruno can't use it anymore...wouldn't sharing the system just mean that everyone has the same tools as Haruno? It doesn't suddenly have to mean that he's automatically rock bottom in terms of power. And well...wouldn't it also mean that humanity would be safer overall from the monstrosities that the gates hold? ( to say nothing of how Im a tad confused on why a pragmatist like Sakuya would try to convince someone she KNOWS is selfless to a fault to not do this by...asserting that he'd be worthless...as opposed to something more in line like people using the system to go at war with each other which would make the world worse). It bugs because well, while I always noticed that some of Mr. Author's stories had some rather pessimistic subtext on humanity, this chapter just...seems to be showcasing an overly simple version of cynicism towards humanity compared to the usual. Like...really? Yuuto is actually taking the fact that the Manhwa showed that not a SINGLE trustworthy person that stood by Haruno at face value instead of it being further proof of the manhwa's bad writing? To say nothing of the implication here. Does Yuuto honestly believe that sharing the system would mean being truly worthless as opposed to that just being the result of Haruno never asserting his own needs thanks to badly imparted advice from his uncle (who i am still convinced sabotaged him on purpose by the way!)? Because I have to be clear. That's sounds like an Olympic level runner complaining that he wouldn't have a chance to even win bronze if their opponents weren't stuck on wheelchairs. It's a big reason why Solo Leveling doesn't impress me at its core despite some strong points. Like of course you're going to win when you're the only mf who can get stronger in a way that actually matters instead of being stuck on an arbitrarily assigned power level like everyone else. Then again, maybe my literacy failed me or something and I missed the point of this chapter? I'm willing to listen, Mr. Author. I'm not the end all be all of literature and I didn't write this comment to attack. Apologies if it came across like that anyways. EDIT: Deleted and reposted comment to change a couple of details.
Pretty solid chapter overall. What I thought was going to be simply a heartfelt but straightforward mimd control removal instead became a more complicated consideration of Marcy's particular psyche...and how Magus essentially left her between a rock and a hard place mentally. Though I wonder...how much stock can actually be put into Marcy's words here? The mind control spell was already established to straight up redirect its victims' priorities in terms of emotions to be favorable towards Magus and anything they attach to him. It was also established to bend logic over backwards and have the victims truly believe what they are feeling towards Magus...to the point of being willing to kill themselves over it. So...how much can Marcy's words be believed here? How much of it is the spell prioritizing to keep the mind control on because its a tie to Magus' will in a similar vein to how previous victims were desperate for Magus to not hate them or not touch them again? How much of the one saying all this is actually the person called Marcy? I think...Van may need to discuss this with the other party members before coming to a full conclusion. On the other side of complicated situations is that small but poignant scene between Anne and Lizzy. The consequences of Michael's actions are still firmly clear here, and Im glad that the story isn't shying away from them. It also brought to mind something...Anne clearly likes Van and has a crush on him, especially now since, as far as she knows, he's the only one who saved her from mind control...how much of that positive view on Van would remain once Van tells her that he let Michael go? And everything else involving him and the demon queen? It's...not exactly something that can stay fully secret if Anne intends to keep Van in her life in some way. I think that will make for another interesting scene to look forward to as well. All in all, this chapter kept me engaged throughout. Looking forward to what comes next!
....this thought process in the last few lines just left me utterly confused. So. Let me get this straight: Kiril, steadfast ally who can smell bullshit from miles aways, potentially dying= Yuuto: "I mean...it's not like I KNOW the guy well enough or anything, can't risk my neck for every nice guy out there" vs Chance to warm up to the resident female badass and also show off: "Absolutely worth it, LETS GO!!!!" ...I won't lie author. I get that Yuuto is pragmatic at his core. It's why he makes for an interesting and fun anti hero character, but this whole sequence goes a step too hard, which kinda makes him look like a completely self centered jackass who refuses to risk himself for anything that won't directly benefit him and also side of coming off as a simp for Sakuya Yama. It's...just odd, compared to how he comes across usually. Is that on purpose or...?
....Yuuto is basically making excuses to not risk himself. Yuuto, of all people, suddenly being kinda chickenshit and willing to let people die because of it. ...Pretty, surprised, to be honest!
Uh...Hello? Kiril? The guy who actually HAS your back? The one you personally vowed to not let pointlessly die? This...is a rather disappointing train of thought for Yuuto, to be honest.
Well, kinda? You ARE an S rank hunter though.