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side character never understands mc 😔
nah bro this is just to read free novels🤣 i stopped reading it at 250 chapters or something and pick up the rest later
author ur story concept is eye catching... but when a mc is demon readers expect him to be cruel, ruthless and villian like character.... not like acting as a good guy when his subordinate wolf was attacked and he is making friends with humans after that without any reason... i know u want to say that black organization or something is dangerous and something but this is not how a demon wolf should be, I came to read about a wild wolf who could care less about consequences and act wild, not like coward and soft spoken u r showing.... by doing this he is telling the world to target him as he will be seen as easy target
lol, ok i will believe u since u r the author
i know he has that talent to make them forget him but that is not omnipotent and I am writing this much so at least tell me a proper reason for his actions
it is not a really good idea to share everything like this and in this supernatural world there r many ways to get the information like mind reading..... it is ok he shares some loot but no need to show skills and there was no need to open Boss treasure box that he did and the girl also revealed her legendary talent at that time to someone she doesn't know for no reason
r u sure it is written correctly as a non op silver rank side character can never cross kill across ranks
i thought stat limit was 100 at silver rank so y his mana at 110
so the trick really works
i think he will die but greha got the item to preserve his core values even after revival