

2023-08-10 JoinedSweden



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  • asimplewanderer
    asimplewanderer11 days ago

    Shameless author here, I write this novel with the intention of it being gory and messy. In my eyes, the world of martial arts is one where power reigns supreme and the powerful rule with an iron fist, and I ought to respect that. The MC will be cold, ruthless, and always looking to satisfy his desires. He will be calculative and calm (unless it involves killing), always comparing losses to benefits. This is not going to be a hero novel, I intend for the MC to be more of the anti-hero concept, although in my take. I hope any of you who stumble upon this has a happy reading and continues to experience this story with me! :D

  • asimplewanderer
    asimplewanderer8 months ago

    Shameless author here, welcome to my story. I write this with the thought of informing about the pace I've set for this piece of literature. If you've already read the first couple of chapters, you'll probably notice that it's not very fast-paced, and that is a choice I've made on purpose. I want to develop this story the best I can, which is, unfortunately, rather slow. Uploads will be whenever I have the time and motivation to sit down and scribble together a chapter or two. In the meantime, please enjoy my other works, or read something more exciting. All in all, I hope that, if you stay, you enjoy the story and may appreciate my work by either placing some powerstones, or by leaving a heartfelt comment/review. Happy reading folks! :)

  • asimplewanderer
    asimplewanderera year ago

    Shameless author here! I write this with the intention of clearing some things up. I am writing this novel slow paced, and that with meaning. I do not want a hasty, sloppy development, instead I aim for a much slower, controlled evolution. The theme will be darkish fantasy in a medieval timeline. There is magic, cultivation, fantastic beasts and other races besides the human. I will involve religion in some formats but not any of our modern day earth to avoid scrutiny and accusations of blasphemy. If you find yourself taking any of my written words to heart in a bad way, do contain your opinions, as I most definitely am not writing to incite a religious breakdown. As I am writing to have a darkish story, there will be many parts involving graphical descriptions of torture, executions and unnecessary bloodshed. If you have a wild fantasy and believe yourself to be weak for these kind of things, I apologise in advance but I will not change my style of writing. Besides this, I hope you enjoy reading this project as much as I enjoy writing it. Happy reading folks! :)

  • asimplewanderer
    asimplewanderera year ago

    Hiya, Author here! If you like a more of a darker fantasy story this is for you. LWG mixes common fantasy ideas like angels, demons, dwarves and elves, powers, magic, gods and war with the underlying functioning of a medieval society ultimately governed by power hungry, greedy bastards. The novel will contain graphic descriptions of gore and a multitude of different executions and torture methods, so for the light-hearted, maybe rethink your choice. Still, if you give this one a shot, I hope you like it as much as I like to write it, and don't hesitate to comment or write a review, it only helps. Thanks in advance and happy reading!

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  • asimplewanderer
    asimplewanderera year ago

    Shameless author here! :) I hope you give this one a shot as I'm trying to provide you a story of everything I love about fantasy. Enjoy your reading and give a review or comment if you like. :) Happy reading!