



2023-07-03 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kure22 days ago
     công bố

    Exciting news! In line with the Second Writing Sprint Event, I'll be updating with two chapters a day for the next 21 days, starting from September 5th until September 25th. Prepare for lots of new content and twists as the story picks up momentum. Stay tuned, and thank you for your continued support!

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kure22 days ago
    trả lời boringmann

    Well, being a fraud is a matter of perspective—at least, that’s how I aim to utilize it. My answer might be a bit vague, so I apologize in advance. Since the recent chapters I posted have uncovered this concept, I can say that the portrayal and the idea of the MC being a fraud will always be present. I wrote it so that the MC constantly struggles with the belief that he’s a fake, while the people around him argue that he’s the real deal. I’d say the true resolution of this concept will come at the end of the story, where there’s acceptance. And a change in belief.

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kure23 days ago
    trả lời boringmann

    I never planned on any of that "power of friendship" stuff at all. Still, it’s up to each reader to perceive a scene as they wish, but I certainly don’t plan to include it. Of course, this story will portray friendship and love, but I can confidently say there won’t be any of that "power of friendship" plot armour.

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kurea month ago
    trả lời boringmann

    Spot on, my friend. Despite Luke's choice to live in solitude, he has a simple mind and a one-track way of thinking—very much like a teenager. But now is the moment for him to learn, grow, and act. This new world and environment will force him to adapt and make choices. Whatever he does will determine his future.

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kurea month ago
    trả lời boringmann

    After finishing the draft, I originally made Tora a female tiger. However, a new idea—or a logical reasoning—came to mind, and I decided to change Tora to a male. It seems I missed some instances where the pronoun wasn't updated correctly. I apologize for any confusion this may have caused, and I appreciate you pointing it out. Thank you!

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kurea month ago
    trả lời boringmann

    Thanks for your feedback! Let me clarify a couple of points: Luke’s Behavior: Luke isn't the brightest—he actually failed school—and he's just been thrown into this foreign world. He’s not really aware of the risks of revealing he’s an outsider, so his lack of caution is more due to ignorance and impulsiveness. Gareth’s Reaction: Gareth doesn’t get suspicious because he’s seen Luke do things that align with his faith as a Noirist. In his belief system, people who can perform extraordinary feats, like mages, are revered. So, he assumes Luke might be one of these special individuals, which is why he’s more curious than cautious. Fairly enough, this is what I kept in mind when writing that part. I hope this helps explain their actions. And if you find it still wrong, then just blame me on my writing ignorance.

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kurea month ago
    trả lời Sonu_Siraj_5546

    Hey, sorry for the late reply. Something else preoccupied my mind, and I forgot. Anyway, back to your question—I planned for it to be a harem, but as of now, only the first woman has been introduced. Which is why, more will be introduced soon.

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kurea month ago
    trả lời boringmann

    Thank you for pointing out. And of course, my intention was not to downplay you. However, "agency" is the right word. "Agency" refers to the feeling of having control or the ability to make choices and influence one's own life. Given that MC is starting to feel empowered despite his uncertain future, "agency" captures that sense of newfound control and purpose. Again, my aim is to notify, not to boast or anything. In case you wondering, English was not my first language and I had spent years learning it. I myself thought that was a mistake and after reading the paragraph again, the word should be correctly used. Hope this help

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kurea month ago
    trả lời boringmann

    In thought, since I didn't specify his age at all, I had him to be 14 as of this chapter. I know, right? I’m the author, writing to make a kid experience something horrible. What a bad author I am.

  • Aki_Kure
    Aki_Kurea month ago
    trả lời boringmann

    Well, I do have the big outline, from start to finish, but not the small details of what happens along the way. So, for instance, I already have the major events planned, like what’s happening now and where the story is headed next. But the specifics, like what happens along the journey and what the characters learn, can come up suddenly. Sometimes, when I’m writing a certain chapter that explains a particular moment, an idea that fits the moment, setting, and context of the story comes to me. I then add it in, and we follow that event first, learning from it, which helps solidify the future plot. Hopefully, this helps answer your question.