

2023-05-20 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi10 days ago
    bình luận

    couldn't she even see that ryuk is just 11 years old? and she is still taking him lightly. it's a foolish move for someone like her like how is he even able to play with her. she thought he just so so

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi11 days ago
    trả lời x22_5100

    even if there was genuine love interest between mc and her it would still be shit cuz he is controlled by that system like slave. and he even wants to send his most favourite heroine to protagonist for the sake of plot going same as game it's so frustrating to read novel like this. I read till 34 chapters and beleive me mc is really a cuck just like author and it seems author is just here to write this type of shit.

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi11 days ago
     công bố

    trust me this is the worst novel you can find mc is utterly cuck who sends his loving women to embrace of protagonist even after having so much knowledge it's simply useless trashiest novel, and it seems author deletes low star reviews or I am sure this novel's reviews couldn't do high. author has cuck fetish it seems. he likes to write a novel where mc is sending even his most favourite heroine to protagonist. disgusting 🤢🤢 just fucking delete this cancer from webnovel already. author I give you all the bad luck and curses for writing such ntr loving MC's novel

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi11 days ago
    bình luận

    one of the worst novel if not the worst of all shittiest MC who doesn't want to do against system a system slave it seems author is really someone who wants to control people but he can't do that in real life so he is doing it in novel and making us realise that he is controlling mc to be pathetic of all

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi11 days ago
    bình luận

    why does mc look more pitiful as chapters goes by like literally he wants to give his dream girl to another man pathetic it seems author want to experience how a cuck feels in his novel

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi12 days ago
    trả lời cereal_fisher_1194

    exactly! the one who betrayed and killed him was puppet and he is going to give punishment to the real being with a will of her own isn't that just disgusting like mc got his rational mind back and he is going to become too smart for his own good now cuz he is still the same and now he will do stupid things with his oversmart personality like judging someone for what they have not done yet and now he knows no one is controlling those females so he is still going to punish someone who never wanted to do something bad to him

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi12 days ago
     công bố

    it could have been better if you didn't write xin Yan like that. and still she is finding her son. my only dissatisfaction in this story is real sugar mommy is kinda too complicated. she doesn't want to admit her feelings? and she is dense? a mature milf with a son is dense? man can't you atleast make a sense and still saying she is yandere. yandere are always conscious about their feelings and they admit it in extreme way. cuz they have unhealthy amount of love. and that personality is saying she doesn't want to admit it? what kinda yandere doesn't admit her feelings? you could just make her tsundere if you wanted to make someone like her why make a half assed character?

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi13 days ago
    trả lời Sumit_Indi

    *mother instead of mouth

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi13 days ago
     công bố

    this novel is lacking many things. and one of them is mc being stupid as hell. I rather side with his mother than mc that's how stupid he is. Overall a frustrating novel to read. he could manipulate everyone and everything with novels knowledge but he is being paranoid and idiot. Giving power of God in hands of someone like him is equal to giving monkey a neuclear bomb to play with. and his overpowered ability could easily subdue his mouth with some proper mind. then again mc is just to stupid and afraid to even confront his own mother. all in all it fails as a novel. not to mention story is dragging

  • Sumit_Indi
    Sumit_Indi13 days ago
    bình luận

    'picking trash among the treasures' such a bad bad sentence building