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If you rewrite this story, pick Arthur or specter to have your character.Go by don't have a flip-flop.Between the his call son and his actual name is too compilated.I'll be late and Spector sounds cold
I'll start with the last thing you said every government has committed atrocities at 1 time or another, including places like India, which has a lot of pacifistic according to their religion, but if you look at back in the old days, they are the origin of thug heights which is where we get. The name thug, basically, it was a bunch of murdering bandits. But the whole thing about Tony selling weapons. He sold them to the government not to private individuals. The circuvian government got it through second hand you go by the comic books, they were basically buying a knock offs. Or. What? Would have been destroyed but ended up getting sold through a second party. But anyway, the whole point was Tony himself never wanted to SAIL to places like sarkovia and and Latin. Wanda, go on about killing Tony without correcting her on. That is a load. Somebody should appoint it out. Hey, he runs the company. He invents stuff. He doesn't use the stuff. Blaming him for his weapons. Killing people is the same as blaming Hinkle knife company. If someone takes one of their butcher, knives and stabs somebody with it. And a lot of people will say well, he sells weapons. While anything can be used as a weapon, open cars can be used as a weapon. Knives from your kitchen can be used as a weapon. Any gun sold on the market can be used to kill someone. He didn't purposely go out and sell it on the black market. He did. N't purposely go out and find murderers to sell his weapons too. He sold it to the militand it wasn't just the u. S government, it's the whole NATO group, which includes a lot of states that do not have large Jarvis. Is the thing about quality overquantity? His weapons were good. Don't blame. The United States military for Teddy Roosevelt rotten rough shot across the puerto ricans. Which I'm half. I blame Teddy Roosevelt for being the general in charge of that group, but the United States government who technically wasn't charged a Teddy Roosevelt, did not tell him to do that, he didn't tell his group to oppress the natives of the island. But that happened. But no I wouldn't blame someone like Smith and Weston. If some psycho shot my family that's not Smith and Wesson's fault. That's the psycho who gotuys hands-on a weapon and it's not just guns. There are plenty of violent crimes committed by people who took everyday items and turn them into weapons. Technically a golf club or a baseball bat is more dangerous within a certain number of feet than a pistol Blunt Force. Trauma puts more people in the hospital than gunshots, so the whole idea of weapons take that off the table, especially in a place where you've got civil wars going on and you've got basically juntas.
This is a good story, but it feels like the author is still writing it in first chapter mode. There needs to be more action. I know this is kind of a Empire building story. But there needs to be some action other than oh I saw Supermutants over there. Let's gun him down.
I wish he would grow some. He 16 and he's 6 foot 6. You don't stop growing at 16? And I really would like to see a super tall persend in one of these stories. Most of the time, people pick to be within human norm. And it's usually 6 foot 16 foot 2. At least this author made it 6 foot 6.
Everybody treats fall out as if it's the modern world. No, they wouldn't wait until there are some arbitrary age. They'd wait till they were physically capable. Just because one, the population is totally reduced. OK if they left the vault when they were 14 I could see I'm waiting but not at 16. That is age of consent in the United States.
I really can see why this one was dropped. It's kind of peak first jump in and it really did. Use a lot of different cliche's kind of smushed together. My key issue is one if you have a liberal hammer space, allow the person to bring other people in his companions and if that happens don't have the companion, stay behind in the hammer space.
I'm sorry, no. This one may be a good story. But it has so many of the worst cliches. I mean really? Why would anybody want to go through that? Does it get to keep people? Or stuff from other universes, as he goes back to his own life, I'm sorry if I had the taste of the extraordinary I wouldn't even want to go back. And from the sounds of it, he kind of had a mediocre life.
Please don't let him be a psychopath butcher. The way it sounds the set up. Is he's just going around murdering everybody in the skyrim game. Please don't let it transfer to his new life if he's reincarnated or transmigrated, whichever this story is.
OK, not all werewolves are bad people in skyrim. Are they sitting this guy up to be an enemy of the Companions?
Can even get out of the first chapter without the term nerf unused multiple times, don't see this story going anywhere.