


What use is a pen that cannot write?

2023-02-26 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Joseph_Greathead

    The pain!!! I pretty much don't even start reading novels these days unless I know they're finished... LOTM2:COI is my one guilty pleasure right now... - Pen

    Ch 899 Inadvertent Discovery
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    A little bit. I somewhat regret starting with such direct numbers instead of doing something more generic like 'Beginning, Middle, End, Peak' or something similar for cultivation stages. It's a lot more back reading and math for me! But in this case, it's largely because Di Tou's at a bottleneck. Without breaking through to the Resonance Stage, although there are ways Di Tou can raise his attributes slightly, it's only a temporary thing, like when his Spiritual Sense was overwhelmed in the forest, or when he was trying to enhance his muscles/strength. Thus, for the most part his attributes won't change, so there isn't much of a reason to go to them. - Pen

    He liked drinking, sure, but just a normal amount. He wasn't willing to go out of his way to pay an exhoribant price for better alchohol when he was on earth, and he certaintly wasn't going to become a house robber for wine here. Adding in the fact that the attribute gain wasn't high, and he still had some lingering trauma, it could all but be ignored.
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    Those are some good thoughts! I do agree that it is *possible* and I think Di Tou would too. The main difference is that being in the situation and confronting its difficulty directly, he can feel how hard it is and to him it feels like he's being tricked or baited. Thus, he's almost having an overreaction on feeling frustrated/feeling like it isn't possible due to his current inadequacies. It's sort of like jumping up and down trying get get a pixel perfect trigger, and being frustrated when it keeps failing, and feeling like it isn't possible, or that the video you saw of it being done was fake. Thus, the somewhat exaggerated, "ah" at the end. He'll still be giving it a try! But maybe when he's a bit better at it all... - Pen

    Although the first was difficult, it could at least be comprehended and understood, the second…? It was a matter of physical limitations, it couldn't just be done, ah!
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Bartothegreat

    No hatred! Admittedly not a great understanding either though. For the sake of not misrepresenting anything, I didn't directly put Buddhism into the story beyond Di Tou using terms like Buddha now and then when describing people, or using it as reference to understand the monks of this world. - Pen

    Ch 326 Monk
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời He11Watcher

    Oop. Personal Ability. - Pen

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Bartothegreat

    Haha, it's pretty slow, perhaps too slow. Not much combat at all. - Pen

    As for the exact logic behind this, Di Tou wasn't quite sure, but he made a mental note that using his Qi twice seemed to have a greater destructive effect than if it was consistently applied over time. While this hopefully wouldn't matter for any future endeavors with spiritual items, this could potentially be useful in combat or disposal in the future.
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    The cultivation 'world' also doesn't contain the entire universe/space around it! In this case, Di Tou wants to connect to Earth specifically, although connecting to the Universe would be perfectly fine too. - Pen

    Regardless, based on what he knew and what he had seen, Di Tou didn't believe that Earth was a small world, and even if it was a small world, it wasn't so small a world that it would end up being trouble. Even if it turned out that it really restricted his movements in this world and restrained his strength, he could tolerate it. In any case, he wasn't in this world to become the strongest, nor did he have some grand ambition. He just wanted to go home, and this was the best route he had before him. His strength getting restricted was something he didn't want to see, but that was because he had seen how this world operated and understood that without strength, he would be limited in everything he did.
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    That's true. It is conflicting terminology, but I feel like it makes sense, and speaks a bit to the sadness of being outshone. In youth, many people are called geniuses, for they're ahead of their peers. Perhaps they're the smartest in their kindergarten, their middle school, or high school. But as they grow, they find that in this vast world, although they can rightfully be called geniuses, they're still only ordinary. Perhaps that's a bit melodramatic of me. - Pen

    For such a young boy, even ignoring his cultivation talent, he was a pretty decent genius. Adding to his superb cultivation talent and his recent enlightenment, he could indeed be considered a leading figure in the younger generation. At this, Li Chang Hu couldn't help but heave a sigh of pity again that this genius had had its wings clipped, while his indignation and rage towards the assailants increased another notch.
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    I think it's introduced more in the next chapter or two, but basically for most cultivators (or beasts, or mountains, or anything that cultivates) the stronger you are the more 'detached' you are from the rest of the world. In a word, you become more 'godly.' But at the same time, Heaven doesn't favor people who have grown too strong. Like a king plotting against ministers who have gotten too much power, Heaven constantly embroils people with tests and tribulations, and those of higher cultivation naturally face tougher tribulations. But with lessened emotions and a clearer view, it's much easier for them to avoid tribulations as long as they're paying attention. This is where karma comes in. If a cultivator is like a computer, and a stronger cultivator has a stronger firewall, tribulations are like viruses. A weak cultivator might fall for one unknowingly, while a strong one will be clear on the details and might even be able to avoid and circumvent the majority of viruses ahead of time. Karma is like plugging in a USB, no matter how good your fire wall is, it's been ignored altogether, and the trouble will come. For normal cultivators, Heaven doesn't need to go this far and the ordinary viruses will do the job. The heightened emotions are a tricky virus. Either you fall for the emotions and suffer the subsequent attacks, or you ignore them, thus creating a mental block and preventing or slowing further cultivation. Either way, Heaven achieves its objectives. - Pen

    Ch 779 A Qualified Negotiator
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Zee_Uber

    Hi! I totally understand the pain, I do. But with the way Webnovel works you can't change where the locked chapters begin. Once it's set, it's set! - Pen

    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    Thank you very much for the kind words! It really is greatly appreciated. I'm happy to know that even an odd story like this one can be enjoyed by someone other than myself, haha! Also I appreciate the spotlights on the mistakes. It's hard to notice sometimes when you're the one writing as your brain tells you it's right, so another pair of eyes is always welcome! - Pen

    Ch 771 Asks and Desires
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời He11Watcher

    Yep. Nice catch! - Pen

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    Oop. Good catch. - Pen

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Moon_Winchester

    Yes! That's a good point. In the universe, cultivation isn't distinct or limited to any given race. If a mountain can cultivate, why not a planet or a sun? The only difference is the bigger and more powerful the original body, the lesser the conscious. So mountain spirits might have simple minds, while suns and planets are pretty much only able to cultivate and nothing more! That's the "Heavenly Balance"! - Pen

    In his mindscape, Di Tou examined the appearing and disappearing star and couldn't help but be awed by its majesty. The Elusive Ghost Star was actually a rather small star. It wasn't even half as big as the Great Yang or Great Yin Stars. But looking at it from afar, on the rare occasions it was visible, it seemed massive. 
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời He11Watcher

    O-O A pot sword for cooking. Perhaps the friction from the sword moving could generate heat? How fascinating... - Pen

    People would think he was brewing potions or something of the like, right? There was no way it could be good food.
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    Oop. - Pen

    There was a sixty percent chance that he would fail to congeal his Qi, thus causing yet another wave of internal injuries that would place him in an even risker situation, while also setting him back to the Peak of the Foundation Stage. How long it would take to reach this state again was unknown.
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Moon_Winchester

    Maybe not rabies exactly, but all sorts of diseases and madness inducing spells and plants surely exist. It's a good thing to think about though! - Pen

    Ch 658 Battle Results
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Moon_Winchester

    Original. I'm a mix. - Pen

    Merit Obelisk
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Moon_Winchester

    Hi! - Pen

    Smiling, Di Tou accepted the vials while looking up and saying, "Say, Brother Xiao Yu, what should we do about the crystals on the roof and walls? Looking at the way the dissolving fluid works, I can't imagine it'll be easy to excavate them."
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen
  • An_Ineloquent_Pen
    trả lời Nemamiah_5245

    He has standards! Just... really low ones. - Pen

    But in the end, after looking at Jiang Hu's wares up and down, there really wasn't anything that interesting. The majority of what he had were brightly colored weapons, and although there were a few more spears in the mix, their size and design didn't make them very suitable for fishing. As for the rest, they were just ordinary household goods. No matter what it was, the quality of the mark didn't match Di Tou's standards.
    The Legendary Janitor
    Huyền huyễn · An_Ineloquent_Pen