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So he just forgives typhaon for killing his sister(the child of mana), he doesn't go back in time and save her, and now Sphinx just doesn't exist anymore?
Why didn't neo just kill or force to stop when he refused to listen and before he had a chance to start the war? Now he's just willingly allowing his only chance of fixing things to actively help his enemy knowingly, for no reason, while he just does absolutely nothing...
Not sure how i feel about someone other than neo finishing things, it doesn't really feel right, especially after everything he's done and endured. If it is done without him then victory will definitely ring quite hollow...
pls no
Thanks, i was confused
Probably because its just using you for it's own secret purposes just like typhon was. He sure does get used and lead around by others alot yet doesn't really seem to learn from it
I guess there's my answer
Since when? It's never worked like this in the past, it always consumed large amounts of his energy to revive and repair his body, it didn't do the opposite and refill it for him when he revived