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In just the last 3rd of the chapter the chapter the author wrote "nine turn heavenly aromatic grass" 19 times. Good lord, I almost stuck a screwdriver in my ear as I was listening to the audio, and it just repeated over and over.
Haha, if there was ever a case for someone to get "mad enough to puke blood," as is a common phrase in these novels, this would be one of those times. I can almost feel their anger through my phone. Great writing, super fun.
Her: bow to my great power, the power of creation. Him: Can you make me a fancy puppet show so I can make some people look bad? Her:......
Ugh, water level. :)
Fun reunion.
This damn book. I get all riled up and then realize I'm out of chapters. Keep up the great work! I'll be looking forward to tomorrow.
I don't understand the authors purpose in wasting all of our time with people trying to advance and being easily stopped every time. How does anyone advance in this world if their enemies just come in and disturb them and then they're done.
I have a bad feeling that the Ashfords are going to do something that hurts Vincent and Zion is going to go scorched earth mode.
And now the hunter begins the hunt.
Update: read this book if you like reading about the naive white knight fighting the "ideology" and "oppression" of the religion on the world. sigh. Just what I need, another liberal lecture.