

2022-09-30 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
     công bố

    I love this novel, the only reason it's not a 5/5 is because of update stability. The novel is straight up dropped. If you can stand being hungry for more without being fed for a while then be my guest, otherwise wait until it resume update or get an official notice of being drop.

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
    trả lời Harley_Ward

    Yeah pls don't drop it

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
    trả lời Hoa_Nguyen_1369

    Relevancy is the issue the novel face the most, like the s*x tease even if that didn't exist the story would still be the same. The author really should ask himself should this part not exist what would the novel be like in that alternative path, if nothing derailed then just straight up don't include it.

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
    trả lời Hoa_Nguyen_1369

    I know many people will say if you don't like it don't read it, and I'll drop, but I would still like to voice my opinion in case someone else having similar taste as me stumble upon this novel.

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
     công bố

    This is my second review after reading 3/4 of the novel, the story progression is stupidly slow. The author dragged everything out too much and overused narrative perspective, like ending a chapter with the mc about to do something, then moving on like 30 minutes earlier with someone else perspective being in danger for the mc to show up last minutes to move on with a simple action. The problem here is the author abuse this so much and majority of the time those different perspectives are so insignificant to the story, they made no impact on story development so the story become stale. Like I know everyone want to show off their writing techniques but use it occasionally to make something stand out not every 10-20 chapters. The world development is kinda weird as well, with significant characters with historical, biblical aspect being drag down the mud. Why not just make up your own characters instead of using Jesus as a character while referring him to the bible, but make him a fuck boy instead of trying to be a savior (just an example to not spoil anything). It just doesn't make sense to emphasize so much about the existence of a famous real life persona but butchering everything about. Apart from that, the character development is quite poor as well, everyone is very one dimensional. The author keep reminding us that xx months ago MC would be able to do this, bla bla... but actually he would, he was just confined by society, this applied to all characters, like you can guess how they would've turn out from the first 100-150 chapters. The author also fell down chinese cultivation cliché trap hole. Every female characters is just waiting for MC to boot call them, but somehow MC still convinced himself to stay virgin. Any male characters slowly become insignificant eventually it'll just be they show up before MC and he congratulate them on obtaining xx power level, then they fade from our mind. Characters' death pose no impact, the author only kill of side character that he said is super sad and passed mc off but in reality nothing changed, these death meant nothing. The MC is said to be ruthless, but keep holding back trying to be the nice guy when the author keep stating he isn't but his action state otherwise. The author try to narrate him as a bad boy, but the MC keep acting like a good boy, and this trigger me so hard, because the author wanted to be unique but he fail to understand the mentality that the MC should have, like what kind of person ruthlessly takes whatever he wants, but scared to use his p*nis??? The R18+ is only for the killing, but most of the time it isn't gore or anything, and the s*x scene is just to tease reader, this story might as well stay PG. Also, what kind of rutherless dictators keeps giving second chances to bitches but ruthless to any male characters??? lastly wtf kind of succubus that doesn't succubus??? At this point the only thing we can use to identify the succubus is cuz the author said so, but everything else abt this character have nothing to do with succubus, if the author changed her race the story would still progess the same way, and this succubus theme is even in the freaking title of the novel. This triggered me the most, how can something being so heavily emphasize to the point of putting it in the title be so insignificant? The novel start out strong with real traumatic events that can greatly distinguish itself from other but eventually lost it momentum to become classic Chinese cultivation cliché. For a novel that won awards with super high rating, I'm really disappointed, I really wanted the novel to work out, but the author is really holding back and try to satisfying as many kind of reader as possible, that's why eventually so many things about the characters and the world start becoming weird and stop making sense. If the author is reading this, I hope you can give side character more chance to shine and be alive, not just in battle but in interaction with other side characters as well, let them fall in love, develope hatred with other beside the MC, currently everything is revolving around him too much that everything is so insignificant, the worse part is you try to emphasize the life of side characters but most of those emphasis become meaningless, it made reader feel like we just wasted our time reading something that eventually meant nothing to the story. Try to give MC more actions that express the point you are trying to make more than just narrating his thought, this will creating a better experience as we follow him, this will also progress the story faster as well, let the reader imagine instead of holding our hands and walking us through every thought the MC make, the novel is R18+ not PG13, the focused audiences ain't so stupid that you have to babysit us through everything. Lastly, it's fine if you like to jump perspective, but try to stop doing it before every events, you give me a feeling of to take 1 step forward the MC have to time-lapse backward 2 steps.

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
    trả lời Hoa_Nguyen_1369

    Overall, to make the novel more enjoyable I recommend you skip over the 3-4 paragraph of description and just focus on the dialogs to speed up the story a bit and by doing this you get to use your imagination more.

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
     công bố

    The plot is great, but the narrative is being stretch too hard. The author have a bad habit of over explaining every dialogs the characters made even the most simple one. Thus make the plot slower than it needed to be which could bored the reader and constrict reader imagination. I know everyone want to be descriptive to enrich the world, but it shouldn't overly abuse into damage a great novel. Cultivation Online also have slow plots that 1000 chapters accumulated only 6 months in the novel, but the narrative don't feel as slow.

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
     công bố

    The story should be definitely be taken as a comedy. Too bad for me I can here after ready Reverend Insanity and Renegade Immortal, so my expectations of Villains or Anti-heroes is very different from what can be offer here. The characters are too over the top, everyone has only 1 extreme so there ain't much character development. In the end if you are here for a comedic relief then it could be entertaining otherwise everything will just feel like fillers.

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
     công bố

    I'm at 260 and somehow I feel like there's already so much filler, mainly the interaction between the MC's friends feel like filler. I find the powering concept to have a lot of potential, but how naive the MC is really bummed me out. Might just be because I'm looking for something with deeper meaning than a comedic relief. Can someone also let me know if the writing style going to change to a more serious tone or is it going to stay comical throughout the rest? I really want to give it another chance but I'm a lil skeptical now.

  • Hoa_Nguyen_1369
    Hoa_Nguyen_13692 years ago
     công bố

    I feel the story got dragged out so too far and I feel the plot is being recycled a lot, like every new area he goes is a new female follow that will be relevant for the first 10-20 chapters and become background mob in the next, every villians are like "this is impossible, how can he do that....", his cycle continues on and on. The novel have a strong starts with the MC having actually having a character development, but lose it with every passing chapters. I guess for comedic sense someone will still enjoyable, I recommend you stop reading after the first 2-3 arcs.