My Captive
Fresh out of college Mizuyuki Shin finds himself in a slump. While the plan was to graduate and go into his profession of Architecture Design and even after receiving many offers on graduation day, He feels like the spark he had was gone. Fresh off the heels of a bad break up after 2 years of trying, his best friend Myah takes him to a favorite club of hers for a change of pace. Mizuyuki never dreamed he'd meet the Devil himself there dressed head to toe in designer people falling over him for attention and he looks like he couldn't be bothered by any of it.
Stephen Coolwater led a pretty boring life. Just because you have it all doesn't mean life is fun. People always fall over themselves for his attention but they only want to use him every time. For money, power, status, or his body, it's always been the case. Until he met Mizuyuki, who couldn't be any less interested in him. In fact to Stephen he looked like he wanted to die. "What better way to die, than in my arms at the peak of an orgasm?"
Will upload at least 2 chapters a day! Thank you for reading!!
NuckinFuxNix · LGBT+
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