Eclipses book I The night was dark and Wyatt couldn't see anything. He stumled over branches, tripped over rocks. At one point of a time he even fell on the ground and cut his arm. He stood up clenching his side, He's hand covered in blood from the wound that he had just substained. "Please be okay". He said with agony. "Please"! He didn't know if Violet was alive or dead. Violet had saved him time and time again. but this time it was different. It wasn't just two or one foes. It was a group of them. People were starting to notice that something weird was going on in port Angeles and that Wyatt and his mother were trying so hard to protect it. "Violet"! He shouted with a weak voice. He placed his hand on a tree and took a break trying to breathe. "Violet where are you"! He yelled weakly again. He wanted cry but he knew couldn't He had to keep him and Violet safe at least until they could get out of here. He began to smell blood. A very strong smell that kept getting stronger and stronger the more he followed it. Finally he had came across the owner of the blood. "Violet"! He screamed at a black werewolf the size of a car.The wolf was covered in blood breathing heavily Wyatt ran over clenching his own side that was bleeding and fell on his knees. The tears that he had been holding in began to fall out and he hugged her.
The thing about Violet is that she always wore a mix of purple,blue, and black . Never any other color. Everything except her hair were these colors. Violet was unique and weird. Her eyes a deep golden brown color. She didn't fit in anywhere and somehow she found her place next to me and I allowed her. Why was I attracted to her. What kept me coming back to her. Even when I saw her mouth covered in blood. Scars on her body that looked like someone had assaulted her with a weapon of some sort. There are so many things that Violet didn't tell me. So secretive and mysterious. Then one day I soon found out what that secret was...... The secret violet was trying so hard to hide... Why Violet had tried so hard to speak with a gentle voice...why she wore dark purple and black all the time...Why her eyes were such a deep golden brown...That Violet was a werewolf.
The2end · Huyền huyễn
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