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Friends With Love

Aaron and Hazel were neighbors since birth. Their houses were next door with waist-high balconies facing each other also allows them to communicate more often. And it makes them closer and getting to know each other. Unfortunately, they always have bad luck in their love story. Aaron, who belongs to a wealthy family, is often used by girls to fulfill their material needs. While Hazel, who's actually not that bad looking - in fact, according to Hazel, she is very beautiful and confident enough to say such as 'God, I’m so pretty and flawless. I’m perfect' in front of Aaron. Hazel is often being the victim of uncertainty from the men who approach her, or once she got into a relationship, she is being cheated on by her ex-boyfriend. Aaron and Hazel were wondering, what kind of sin did they commit in their previous life to accept this bad luck? When these two get tired of the love that always ends tragically, Aaron and Hazel got an idea and agreed to make a challenge, and let’s consider it as a game. The rule of the game is both of them must approach someone chosen by the opponent – Hazel picks a girl for Aaron, and vice versa – within a week. After that, they have to leave the girl/the boy. This game is a kind of revenge game that they do as a form of revenge because they are often disappointed and played with. Aaron managed to save Hazel from the heartbreak Hazel thought it could not be cured. But again, unfortunately, Hazel fell into a new problem. Hazel knew for sure this sounds crazy. Hazel was 100% sure she was out of her mind. Hazel did not understand how her heart and brain worked. Hazel could not let this happen. For the sake of God, Hazel falls in love with Aaron.

ra_quelle25 · Teen
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3 Chs