


Hi, I'm Cassie. New to this app.

2022-08-24 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    update... PLEASEEEEEE

    Ch 13 Nancy Drew
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    you just had to😭😂😂😂 Trump😭😂😂

    But when Divine and I had visited his home— in disguise just in case we got caught since he was soon going to be back from work— he was not the man I thought him to be. He was the complete opposite. His hair was a full mop of grey and blond. His blue eyes were jovial and friendly. They still held a lot of life. He had the body of Donald Trump — just not as old and wrinkled.
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    Why do you always cut these scenes😭😭😭

    I pulled back momentarily, staring into his mesmerizing black eyes which were hazy— filled with lust and hunger. He pulled me closer, our noses brushing each other. Once again, we began the battle of tongues.
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận


    The second I got home, I tore off my shirt angrily, throwing it with disgust onto the floor. I stomped up the four stairs to my room— not bothering with the elevator, and fling myself across my bed.
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    please please please please please please update!!!!!!!!

    Ch 10 Pondering Over a Lesbian Couple And Overlooking Mere Cents
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    trả lời tarinisingla


    Ch 10 Pondering Over a Lesbian Couple And Overlooking Mere Cents
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận


    "Not a small world sir," Layla said cutting him off. Her tone was biting and filled with disdain. "Just a world full of stalkers."
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận
    Or rather— crime 'sin'
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận


    I remade my bed carefully, dusted the furniture, and then went to the bathroom to brush my teeth. While k was doing that, I got hot water ready for bathing. It was quite an irony taking into consideration the fact that I was worried about bills on Friday morning but now, I couldn't care less.
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    She's one to talk😂😂😂 She literally snapped at him so suddenly.

    "Excuse me? Are you a hormonal teenager?" She retorted. "Who goes from a prince charming saving the daughter of a nobody from a dangerous drop to a proud ass who belittles people he employs just because his name is everywhere."
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận


     "You can call me Elijah," 
    Taken By The Mafia Lord
    Thành thị · Glimmy
  • cassiegreen
    trả lời CharlatanKlein

    That's true!!!!!!

     "You can call me Elijah," 
    Taken By The Mafia Lord
    Thành thị · Glimmy
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    Please tell me this guy's Marcel

    "One, you're beautiful, and don't try saying that I'm only interested in your beauty, the eyes are first attracted to the subject before the rest of the body. Secondly, you appeal to me - you're kind of interesting and trust me when I say hardly had any woman interested me," 
    Taken By The Mafia Lord
    Thành thị · Glimmy
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    I feel Macy's pain🤧 It's crazy how she can't express her love for him other than making love to him whenever he wants it💔😂

    Ch 10 His Betrothed
    Taken By The Mafia Lord
    Thành thị · Glimmy
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    He was right!!! She's a siren! She has magical powers😂💔

    As if Arianna jinxed his luck, he choked on his drink as she desired with some of them spilling down his shirt and she had to fight against the urge to laugh at him - her boss would kill her for that.
    Taken By The Mafia Lord
    Thành thị · Glimmy
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    accurate 😂 This is the same guy that doesn't "feel" He is tripping😭😭🌚🌚 I'm loving this!!!!

    Warning! Warning! The voice of caution sounded once again in his ears. The girl was a siren disguised as a mermaid and poised to drag him to the bottom of the sea where she drowned him and have him for dinner. His father has clearly warned him against girls like that. Their only function was to scratch his itch, not drown his mind. 
    Taken By The Mafia Lord
    Thành thị · Glimmy
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    These are my parents😭😭😭

    "Of course not, sir," Arianna replied busying herself on the counter. Their boss was a strange man and a typical traditionalist. If one looked him in the eyes while he barked orders, he would claim you're challenging his authority. Either way, if you avoided his gaze as well, he would claim you're looking down on him. 
    Taken By The Mafia Lord
    Thành thị · Glimmy
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    my forehead feels uncomfortable now😂😂💔 specifically between my eyes😭

    The bullet was successfully scored between his eyes. A clean shot. 
    Taken By The Mafia Lord
    Thành thị · Glimmy
  • cassiegreen
     công bố

    The story seems okay so far. I think the author has been doing great with descriptions. There are a few grammatical Ir maybe typographical errors here and there so a little bit of editing should be done. Now, to the story: The female lead is twisted. From her POV I envisioned her as a somewhat sweet and relatable person but from the guys POV my view of her changes a little. She is so sure of herself (I don't want to use the word narcissist). I don't really like how she just jumped into conclusions and mentioned things about his secual fantasies... yes she is correct but it is a little too much. She was downright rude. Plus the fact that she was in an office environmentt means that she is meant to be polite ag all times to all people no matter the situation. Maybe you should consider modifying it a bit. I'm not telling you to change your plot or anything but from my perspective, that scene would have been better if outside the office. Also, the people watching... the way you handled it made it seem like you were looking for a quick way to brush them aside. Okay... I'm done with my critics lolllll I did enjoy the book. I'll be sure to read more (your nook has potentials it should get better) and I hope you update before I get to the last chapter (as of now).

    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII
  • cassiegreen
    bình luận

    ever calmly and placid... ain't that somewhat repetitive?

    I had placed my thumb, ever calmly and placid and waited for the green light to confirm it was I, Alexander Norman. I could not believe someone would not recognize me or show indifference to my presence. She did not stammer like the first receptionist I went through, she was not flirty like the second. She was neutral, unaffected. It was the first time I had ever gotten such a reaction from a woman.
    Maid With Benefits
    Thành thị · wild_imaginatorII