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This is full bullshit. This dude knew there was a possibility of this happening, so he was ready for it. MC had his guard completely down, so he got hit. This is some stupid ass logic to make it seem like MC is weak when he was just ill-informed of what could possibly happen.
This seems like an inelegant way to reply by eliminating the 'Are' for are you sure
Ask for them to give you their full support for your growth as well
He's never interacted with them, so I guess he hasn't developed that discernment yet. He boldly insulted the lady, even at the cost of death, so he's also kinda dumb.
Ah youth, we really are fucking stupid when we're young
Meteor Falls was said to have Mega Stones, right? Asking this group if they know where to find more seems like a prudent move.
Guessing a high human, angel, or dragonewt
Really? Put some effort into it. Something like: "error unable to retrieve information on system creation due to insufficient power from the host." That makes MC not seem like a fucking smooth brain idiot.