

2022-07-23 đã tham giaUnited Kingdom

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  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Sword_1mmortal

    "I blew a hole in him! How durable is he?! How durable am I...? Questions for later."

    Like I said before, as well, this was a good test for myself. How fast was I? How strong was I? Just HOW durable was I? I couldn't stop myself and before I knew it I was right on the ship's tail.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời PidgeonKing

    Nah, you were right. I went back and looked just to be sure and saw I'd made a mistake. Thanks for pointing it out.

    [Hybrid Viltrumite Powerset (Thragg Genetics + Royal Bloodline), Luke Cage's Powerset, Daredevil's Powerset & Sensory Training (Without, you know, being blind), Marrow's Mutant Ability (Enhanced), DNA Lock (Absolute) and Adaptive Mental Defense*]
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời HangerBaby

    He's not planetary level. He's gonna be a recently awakened Viltrumite and Luke Cage has always been more durable than he is strong. Put them together with Marrow's bones and DD's enhanced nervous system and you get one strong guy...but he's still nowhere near his full potential. He'll get there eventually though.

    (A/n - Just wanna point out that the goal of this fanfic isn't to have the MC backhanding the entire Justice League on his own. Don't like the powers I've given the MC? Don't read the book, man.)
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời PidgeonKing

    He got seven spins. One of the spins was for what world he'd be going to, which brought the total spins down to six. Then he spun six wheels which netted him six gifts. Is there a typo somewhere or something? Because he's spun the wheel seven times, like Orion said.

    [Hybrid Viltrumite Powerset (Thragg Genetics + Royal Bloodline), Luke Cage's Powerset, Daredevil's Powerset & Sensory Training (Without, you know, being blind), Marrow's Mutant Ability (Enhanced), DNA Lock (Absolute) and Adaptive Mental Defense*]
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Zyga

    Vaguely Asian. She isn't actually Asian, she just kinda looks like it if you squint real hard while looking at her.

    "Kinda familiar," I continued talking to myself as I looked over the alien woman. Long black hair that seemed around waist-length, with short bangs barely hanging over her forehead.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời HangerBaby

    He knows. He just doesn't wanna shoot off into space on his first time flying.

    I shot up above the clouds and continued on, my gripes with heights completely forgotten. I didn't stop until I physically felt the thinning air and when I got to that point, I just...took it all in.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời HangerBaby

    Yeah, but missiles are made to go at that speed. Their aerodynamics and overall structure are designed to cut through air resistance. A humanoid body, however, is not designed to cut through air resistance. That's what would cause the most damage - because instead of slicing through the air, a Viltrumite brute forces it and muscles the air out of the way, creating devastating shockwaves/winds.

    Like I said before, as well, this was a good test for myself. How fast was I? How strong was I? Just HOW durable was I? I couldn't stop myself and before I knew it I was right on the ship's tail.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời The_Rune_Raven

    True that. Lucky the MC has his genetics, eh? Legendary Super Viltrumite, here we go.

    Tentatively taking Orion's word for it, I turned my gaze back to the piece of paper. As far as I know, Viltrumites are basically Walmart Kryptonians. They come with the basic package - exceptionally strong, fast, durable and they can fly. What they don't come with, however, are versatile powers like funky laser eyes or being able to freeze things with their breath. They're, overall, a less powerful version of people like Superman, General Zod and the like. Still, they pack a mean as fuck punch.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Mah_olliva

    Viltrumites are mentally the same as a normal Human. Their geniuses aren't any better than ours and vice versa. Their evolution was heavily focused on physical prowess and pure surviveability, not their mental ability.

    Ch 2 Dealing With A Mugger & Meeting An Alien
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Zembo

    Not extremely so but you'll definitely have to put up with a decent amount if it annoys you.

    Ch 2 Dealing With A Mugger & Meeting An Alien
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời bluS24

    Yeah. Any faster than mach 10 within Earth's atmosphere and it'll cause massive amounts of damage.

    Like I said before, as well, this was a good test for myself. How fast was I? How strong was I? Just HOW durable was I? I couldn't stop myself and before I knew it I was right on the ship's tail.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Zyga

    True, but it's the sentiment behind Injustice Superman that I'm getting at. Injustice Superman thought he knew best on how the world should work and used his god-like power to make Earth how he wanted it to be. Jasper is worried he could end up like that, basically.

    Injustice Superman comes to mind when I think of what I could become if I let this new strength corrupt me.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Anonny_Anonymous

    Yeah, all his powers synergise or boost each other.

    Luke Cage was basically just a Viltrumite but on a much lesser scale and without the ability to fly. So kind of a redundant powerset but even then the increased durability, strength, stamina and the healing factor should help even if only a little bit.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Retro_Plaid

    Eh, not really. Out of tens of thousands of people, a bit of missing money here and there isn't gonna arouse the attention of Batman who's most definitely more busy dealing with League business or dealing with actual threats like the Joker or Bane. He wouldn't automatically assume a superhuman alien was the result either because Gotham is already filled with pickpockets and thieves.

    You see, learning how to fly is hard as shit. No amount of willing myself to fly had done anything over the week I'd spent in Gotham and the few days I'd spent in upstate New York for a bit of a rest from the chaotic city. After all, when you have super speed, picking pockets and stealing expensive watches is as easy as taking candy from a baby.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời WolfLord

    You can't take responsibility for another person's actions. Going by your logic, the only way to be completely guilt-free is to kill the guy because even if you call the cops, he'll get arrested and maybe put in jail or even fined. Then he'll be back out on the streets and mugging again soon enough. MC isn't some super-righteous hero either, so it's not really his problem.

    Standing up, I left the passed out mugger behind me and walked onto the street. Even if I don't kill him, being passed out in a dark alleyway is basically dancing with death. He'll get what's coming to him eventually.
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời TheEvilDragon23

    Bro, this novel is never gonna be a harem, so don't waste your time suggesting it. I also don't think you realize what I'm saying; the MC will have multiple relationships over the course of the novel and one of them will be the one where he settles down. That's what normal people do. I'm not saying he's gonna turn himself into a male prostitute and sleep with anything and everything that has a pulse before eventually settling down.

    Ch 2 Dealing With A Mugger & Meeting An Alien
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Jkxngxz

    What? He does have that ability.

    Ch 1 The Walk Of Purgatory And A Reward
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời Jkxngxz

    No. The MC will be the only Viltrumite in this universe.

    Ch -1 Jasper's Character Page
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời WolfLord

    Predetermined or not, they still did some bad. Call it unfair, call it stupid--it's the Gods. Not much mortals can do about it. Besides, mortal balancing factors still have freewill - they don't need to do terribly horrific actions. They could just bully someone and that stops them from doing something important. If the bully then chooses to commit mass murder, that's on them. They're inherently bad, yes, but they have the freewill to decide how far they take it.

    "Of course. Every balancing factor gets something like this," Orion explained, "The good ones get a second chance, the bad ones are forced to repent before getting sent to the recycling bin - aka they're thrown into the reincarnation river. Usually ends up with them living at the bottom of the food chain as a worm," he mused before reappearing at my side again, "Now, do you want to get to spinning the wheel? I'd hate to take away any of the time you could be spending in a new life."
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein
  • Louie_Klein
    trả lời N_Nelson

    He's after the Justice League forming but before Young Justice.

    Ch 1 The Walk Of Purgatory And A Reward
    DC: Unbreakable
    Tranh châm biếm · Louie_Klein