

2022-07-11 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • _Casper_
    bình luận

    Y'all down here chill. It's just world-building

    "We are not family," Gren retorted immediately, almost as if offended by the suggestion. "You have dark skin; I have light skin. Even the disabled girl could tell we're not family."
    Dark Magus Returns
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • _Casper_
    trả lời Samah_Nord

    Dude chill, you talking like you have absolute control over your emotions

    'This wretched body... it's still reacting to her... and my emotions are a complete mess.'
    Dark Magus Returns
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • _Casper_
    trả lời Aditya_M_3187

    Too many flowery or complicated words break the flow of reading. But I can bear with this level

    He recounted his awakening amidst a life-threatening confrontation with an assailant, ultimately culminating in a fatal act of self-defense. Given the ubiquity of armed civilians, he doubted that this act would be deemed egregious, particularly under the circumstances.
    Dark Magus Returns
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • _Casper_

    You're comment reminded me of this

    His former self was also lean, but compared to the populace he observed on the streets, he appeared emaciated. His fingers grazed his hair, which, although mostly straight, curled at the ends and was wildly dishevelled. Strikingly, it was a stark white.
    Dark Magus Returns
    Kỳ huyễn · JKSManga
  • _Casper_
    trả lời NagiToad

    Yeah, people complain when they are not spoon-fed by the author,

    You have to know that in this world, if a Pokémon is poisoned and you do not have an antidote available, then yourPokémon may lose strength permanently, or in the worst case, it dies without any medical care.
    Pokemon: Master of tactics
    Tranh châm biếm · alex02373
  • _Casper_
    trả lời raijuthunder

    Ah, yes, like buying or renting land doesn't need money, not to mention the price of seeds for berries wouldn't be any cheaper, and then you would have to take care of them, and what if a wild crazy strong Pokemon enters and destroys your berry farm, then what are you gonna do?

    So he has to work 2 months to buy only a weak pokemon and not to forget he has to purchase pokemon food too. Taking care of a pokemon is not cheap.
    Pokemon: Master of tactics
    Tranh châm biếm · alex02373
  • _Casper_
    trả lời ToufiqUlAlam

    Short for OverPowered

    3) The MC will be OP but he would face troubles that might make his journey difficult on occasions.
    Divinity: Against the Godly System
    Du hí · Demonic_angel
  • _Casper_
    trả lời YamiSeeker

    Yeah, but there is something known as *Pride*.

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    I have AI Planet and Handsomeness in the Fantasy Apocalypse
    Kỳ huyễn · Adam_Aksara
  • _Casper_
    bình luận

    I am loving him, why are there only a few novels with this kind of MC

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    I have AI Planet and Handsomeness in the Fantasy Apocalypse
    Kỳ huyễn · Adam_Aksara
  • _Casper_
    trả lời _Casper_

    Oh, nvm, I take back my words. It's different from normal regression

    "I wish you the best of luck. It is not often that humans get a second chance at life. Much less a case like yours. But just because it is not common, do not think you are lucky. Your misery has just begun."
    Controller of the Battlefield
    Du hí · daygon_yuuki
  • _Casper_
    bình luận

    I am tired of reincarnation and regression.

    "I wish you the best of luck. It is not often that humans get a second chance at life. Much less a case like yours. But just because it is not common, do not think you are lucky. Your misery has just begun."
    Controller of the Battlefield
    Du hí · daygon_yuuki
  • _Casper_
    bình luận


    "Hey, I asked you a question. Are you my target or now?"
    Controller of the Battlefield
    Du hí · daygon_yuuki
  • _Casper_
    bình luận


    Maximilian cut through Olivier's phantasy in a swift strike. He also reminded Olivier why they had not been able to win a championship up till now.
    Controller of the Battlefield
    Du hí · daygon_yuuki
  • _Casper_
    bình luận

    Lucas felt sorry?? Wasn't Lucas the kid? And Olivier his master?

    Lucas felt sorry for the kid.
    Controller of the Battlefield
    Du hí · daygon_yuuki
  • _Casper_
    bình luận

    Ok, we found a Mc who is cliched in every single way, except for the killing part.

    Although she had known him for a long time, this side of him was never revealed to her. She always saw his cold, emotionless, and brutal side that killed every single person without mercy. In a sense, he was a monster in human skin and yet, Eva noticed that not even once did Kai show any shred of desire, whether it was money, women, or even glory.
    Hitman x Wives
    Kỳ huyễn · LazyAngel
  • _Casper_
    trả lời LazyAngel

    Yeah, correct that's the thing, he didn't need to take an extra step. So why did he let him empty the whole gun? He could just throw a knife and that's it. No extra steps! No time waste. Well, whatever I was just saying because this act was very different than what I thought he would do.

    "BLURGH!!" Air was knocked out of his lungs as he fell down to the ground unconscious.
    Hitman x Wives
    Kỳ huyễn · LazyAngel
  • _Casper_
    trả lời Mithren

    That's a nice way to look at writing.

    Ch 1 1: The lost championship
    Controller of the Battlefield
    Du hí · daygon_yuuki
  • _Casper_
    bình luận
    'Can I pimp a rat? Or animals in general. Maybe it's time to join the furry market.'
    Spider-Verse: Creeping Hunger
    Tranh châm biếm · _oinkchan
  • _Casper_
    trả lời warriorofnorth

    Dude, you're legit scaring me. Anyway, I appreciate your concern and I will heed your advice. Also I did searched about it but I find a guy who was editor and was assassinated, was he the guy you're telling me about or someone else?

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Nameless Boy Reincarnated into a Novel
    Thành thị · _Er
  • _Casper_
    trả lời warriorofnorth

    Oh come on, when was I rude to you, I just told you that it's not always the government's fault. As for that psychopath thing, I am sure no one on the internet cares what they say.

    Đoạn này đã bị xóa
    The Nameless Boy Reincarnated into a Novel
    Thành thị · _Er