


Dungeons and dragons nerd who loves to read comics and web novels. Recently decided to try my hand at writing my own. Check it own - High King available only here on WebNovel

2022-05-06 đã tham giaUnited States

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  • Kapowne
    trả lời HighOffStupid

    I'll try not to keep you waiting too long!

    Ch 57 To Be Continued...
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời OzymandiaS

    That made me chuckle!

    "Definitely run. Run fast, and do not move in one direction for more than a moment. We angels are very fast, and very confident. They will aim for your head or your heart, the quickest death that will ensure our shared demise. They will likely attack from the air, using their superior speed and airborne agility to their advantage. The nature of this tactic means it can only be made in a somewhat linear fashion, like a bombing run from an airplane. If you will. So long as you can dodge effectively, you should be okay. Hopefully."
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời HighOffStupid

    My lips are sealed!

    Ch 49 Malekith Part 2
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời HighOffStupid

    Hahaha I did not expect anyone to like him, I wonder if you still will after Monday's chapter releases

    Ch 48 Malekith
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời Kraug

    Ahhh I see. Yes his personality changes quite a lot when compared to the very beginning chapters.

    Ch 2 The Beginning
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời Kraug

    Hahaha definitely not! He gets quite a bit stronger later!

    Ch 2 The Beginning
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời LunarEcho

    Haha right? I swear every business building I've gone into either has a super old guy or super unfit guy working security.

    Finally, a grueling 5 hours later I turned off the small lamp on my desk--a necessity I realized after Rhiannon became the supervisor last year. She often forced me to stay late. I checked my watch. 11:30. Not bad. Usually I didn't finish these late night tasks until after midnight. Time to head home and sleep! I thought. I slipped on my jacket and raced down the hall to the elevator. Riding it to the ground level I walked out of the building. "Goodnight Marv! Stay safe!" I said to the night security guard. An older gentleman, probably late 60s early 70s. He always walked with a slight hunch, his hair a thin wispy white.
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời HighOffStupid

    Exactly! Do you have any predictions on who you think this mysterious voice is? :P

    Ch 45 Traitorous
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời TheAbyssalOne

    You know it! Those crazy old ladies

    Ch 14 Missing
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời TheAbyssalOne

    Thank you! I’m glad you liked it!

    Ch 13 A New World
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời TheAbyssalOne

    I hope you like it then,I spent a bunch of time researching Greece for this section! Let me know!

    "Ελπίζω να με συγχωρήσεις" Theseus replied, their words were foreign, but his shameful look translated his apology as he approached Ace, who took him into his arms happily.
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    bình luận
    Ch 42 R&R Part 2
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời HighOffStupid

    Awesome question! So currently his power is focused on the aspect of “matter/mass” or the density of atoms most specifically. So once he understands his powers more, everything in space could be manipulated in some degree. I think In theory creating a star could be possible and might be something worth exploring in the future. (That idea I s very adjacent to some spells I’ve cooked up for the future)

    Ch 41 [Bonus chapter]R&R
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời HighOffStupid

    And that is just one wizard, just imagine what the others might be capable of!

    Ch 40 Azazel Part 3
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời HighOffStupid

    Thank you, very good to be back. Happy to see you are back as well, enjoy!

    Ch 39 Azazel Part 2
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    trả lời InsidiousMask

    Thank you! Very glad to hear it!

    Ch 22 Apollo
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    bình luận

    Yes sorry :( I’ve recently become a new dad to twins, I thought I would have the energy to keep writing while I am on leave from work. But it has been a tired few weeks. My plan is to start publishing chapters again in September. Sorry for the delay! Hope to see you back again once I start releasing more chapters!

    Ch 38 Azazel
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
    bình luận

    See this! I just gifted the story: Ice cola

    Ch 1 Prologue
    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne
  • Kapowne
     công bố

    This is definitely not my go to genre of book, but I have to say that I found this actually quite refreshing to read. It is unique, and a pleasant change of pace. It is well written, well thought out, and well paced. My only suggestion would be to try to ramp up updates if possible, though as an author who is also a bit slower at updating than the norm, I think as long as you are having a good time, you are doing it right!

    FATED : A pact with the devil
    Thành thị · Juliet_Omuadona
  • Kapowne
     công bố

    Hello all, Please forgive my reviewing my own novel. But I only need 1 more to get to 10. And I think it’s a good idea to think objectively about what I’ve written. I like to think that the first person - past perspective narrative lends itself well to this kind of story. Yes, we ultimately know where Desmond will end up, but it’s not about the “what” happens, but about the “how” it happens. We get to see Desmond struggle through new worlds, meet new people, and grow and change into a person he never would have expected to become. If you like stories where the MC works hard and earns his powers, while facing off against curruption from within, gods, angels, demons and wizards. This is the book for you! I hope you’ll give it a chance!

    High King
    Kỳ huyễn · Kapowne