"When you play the game of thrones, you win or you die." -- Cersei
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pretty damn good dfsfrffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffgfsrfsfsfsfdsfdsfsd
its pretty good, though. My only complaint is that there are to many things going on that take me away from the story. So its like a 4.5 to me.
probably just copy and paste, i think, from mtl novels.
Marvel: Fusion its on mtl novel fgrgdffhfhjjgjgyjgjghjhjdfsgnhmnhghnjmhgnjmk,kmjhgjmk,kmjhgfbhnjmjnhgbhnjmnjhgbhnjmnjhgfbhnmnhbgbhnjmnjhgfbnm nhbgbhnjm,jhghnjm,mjnhgbhnmnhgbhnmnjhgbhnjmnjhgbhnjm,jhgnjm,mjhghnjm, mnjhgbhnjm, mjnhnjm,mjhnjm,mjnhnjm,.kmjhygnjm,kmjhnjmk,.,kmjhnjmk,.kmjmk,.kmjhmk,.
Marvel: Fusion its on mtlnovel
My newest fanfiction is based on Marvel's I Am Sabretooth Tiger. Along for the ride as Wei Ke, a sabre-toothed tiger fighting for his life in Marvel. His becomes OP in a later chapters after starting out very weak.
My most recent fanfiction is Marvel Becoming a God. I'm hoping this fanfiction succeeds. This fanfic took a lot of thought from me. Even though I may not be the best artist, I hope you guys still like it.
This is my relatively recent novel. Beginning as a small piece of soil, Lin Haochen travels through time. Please give my new book a rating and a like. Criticism is beneficial as well.
Although I had no intention of continuing, I can already predict what would happen after Chapter 45. I might as well keep writing this fantastic fanfic if it picks up.
Josse Although I had no intention of continuing, I can already predict what would happen after Chapter 45. I might as well keep writing this fantastic fanfic if it picks up.