


Hello, currently writing the Magician of the Night.

2022-03-05 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Hxvok
    trả lời SsDamien

    Oh, the book cover. It isn't mine. I just got it from Google. If you scroll to the end of the synopsis, you'll see that it's not mine. I just choose covers which match how I see my characters. If you want to know how I did the title for it, I did it on Addtext.

    It's a word that would get anyone on edge. At least, anyone from the 21st century. This foreign element was introduced in the latter decades of the 21st century and advancing on all fronts in the 22nd century.
    The Magician of the Night
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  • Hxvok
    trả lời SsDamien

    What do you mean? I don't understand.

    It's a word that would get anyone on edge. At least, anyone from the 21st century. This foreign element was introduced in the latter decades of the 21st century and advancing on all fronts in the 22nd century.
    The Magician of the Night
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     công bố

    Hi, it's the author here! I'm just here to say that I think that my writing feels slightly weird but I like it either way. I love writing since I can create my own world and splurge my ideas down. If you have any tips, please tell me since even if I'm satisfied with my writing the readers may not be. I hope you enjoy my book! Classic 5 stars!

    The Magician of the Night
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  • Hxvok
    trả lời simean

    That's the whole point. It doesn't.

    Ch 1 Prologue: Reincarnation
    Demonic Samsara
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    trả lời GodOfDeath1999

    Thank you. I guess it does make sense, though it is something I would like to stick with for certain reasons. I'll try and think about things and change things slowly if possible. Thanks for the advice.

    Ch 9 The Name of Sakurako
    Demonic Samsara
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    trả lời ItBeLikeThat

    Building harems, my guy. The MC is a child, anyways. Plus, with the attitude of Sakurako, she won't act as a servant even if she is.

    Ch 9 The Name of Sakurako
    Demonic Samsara
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  • Hxvok
     công bố

    Hi! I'm the author of this book, and I'm writing here to give you an overview of my book. (Seriously, I'm not trying to give my book a good review.) This is my first book, so be lenient with me, or strict, your choice. In this book, the number of shut-in NEETs is increased in 2030, and the MC is one in 2042. He dies due to a stupid reason. After he dies, he meets a being similar to God, and that results in his reincarnation. When he wakes up, he finds himself in a village, and that's where his journey starts. The knowledgeable system in this book is the main source of information, but not all of it. The MC goes on a journey and will meet more people. Those people will eventually trust their lives to him. There'll be lots of problems and people the MC will have to deal with, all with protecting his servants. Please enjoy this book, and give me any advice, if you feel unsatisfied!

    Demonic Samsara
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  • Hxvok
    trả lời ItBeLikeThat

    Oh, don't worry about that. They'll meet again.

    Ch 1 Prologue: Reincarnation
    Demonic Samsara
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    trả lời AberrantExistence

    Um... No, I don't plan for a time skip since the MC was put inside the body of a child, but I can make it so that there are select moments where he gains a bigger body. Even so, the MC is will be more of a master than a playboy.

    Demonic Samsara
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  • Hxvok
    trả lời AberrantExistence

    Now that I'm thinking about it, my MC is a child... I can't do anything like that, can I?

    Demonic Samsara
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