User name says it all. English teacher. Impatient with bad translations.
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oh! I've finally caught up ! best book ever!
honestly it seems to be a name often given to a first child so as the Chinese naming system was pretty simple for many you get to figure out the order of birth! The eldest son gets called that at times too. But I swear this repetition of surnames and names is so irritating. it may be "realistic" but surely terribly hard to follow even for Chinese readers. at the moment I have no idea who we're talking about!!! it should be clear later though (I hope)
What does Yuguang mean? another title? a pet name ? Help!
I really like it when stupid spoilt characters get their redemption arc, they 're never real villains anyway - just cannon fodder. Glad Miss Yao has found her happy place. Now if only her half sister and half brother could find theirs.
who's Jinghong? is it some title or other? I swear that those of us not well versed in Chinese hierarchy seriously need some kind of family tree everyone seems to have a name, a pet name and a family hierarchy name and then there's also the title and whatever it is that causes the Ning family to also be Hou. I swear I used to complain when my twin students had similar names - Sara and Sharon, Jayden and Jaylen - but entire families of Jinshi Jinxi Jinli Jinling are killing me!!!
he's referring to her First life. She was a lot meeker then, it seems. now she has a lot of different experience and skills. whole new gal
7th floor and walking wouldn't be too difficult ??? oh lord am I getting old!
And 'he' and 'she' are wrong all over the place. why would anyone pay for this? I don't recommend it even for a free read.
Who are we talking about? I can't work out who is drunk. come on author, give us a break!