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  • Nadie09
    Nadie092 years ago
    Replied to Kaito_Uzumaki

    If you are referring to one of those stories which have the fate already decided in order to mark the progress of the story, then no. But if you're asking if it has any relation with the Fate series, then no, because it's a completely original work of mine. XD

  • Nadie09
    Nadie093 years ago

    Hello readers, here is the author speaking to give you a little advice so that you can enjoy reading more. I recommend you to pay attention to every word of my novel. If you read carefully, you might even decipher mysteries and data that will be revealed in the future. The main character will also develop various plans and strategies that can be predicted or guessed if you read carefully and deduce a little with your imagination. There will be a lot of this so it would be interesting if you would be encouraged to share your predictions or deductions in the reviews or comments. I would also be very excited to know what you think of my work. That was all I wanted to pass on to you my readers, I hope you enjoy the read.

  • Nadie09
    Nadie093 years ago

    Hola lectores, aquí les habla el autor para dar un pequeño consejo y que puedan disfrutar más de la lectura. Les recomiendo prestar atención a cada palabra de mi novela. Si leen con cuidado, incluso podrían descifrar misterios e información que se revelará en un futuro. El protagonista también desarrollará varios planes y estrategias que pueden ser predichas o adivinadas si lees con atención y deduces un poco con tu imaginación. Habrá mucho de esto así que sería interesante si se animaran a compartir sus predicciones o deducciones en las reseñas o comentarios. También me haría mucha ilusión saber lo que piensan de mi obra. Eso era todo lo que quería transmitirles mis lectores, espero que disfruten de la lectura.

Apocryphal Incarnation

After being mortally wounded in a terrorist attack, our protagonist wakes up after a long, dark sleep, in a world completely different from the one he knew. To make matters worse, much of his memory is blurred and the most important "pillar" of his life, his younger sister, was possibly dragged into this world as well. In a futuristic fantasy world where it is replete with magic and swords, our protagonist will do anything to find his only relative, even if it means having to bring half the world under his control. Luckily, shortly after his arrival in this new world, our protagonist meets a ghost named Gen who claims to have been a hero in his time of life. Having a great variety of knowledge and mastery over advanced magic, this one decides to teach everything he knows to the protagonist in exchange for a condition. The more he explores this world, the more variety of people our protagonist will meet. And among these people, there will be many who will show great power and talent, which the protagonist will try to bring them under his control in order to use them to complete his goal. ----- Tags: Action - Adventure - Comedy - Drama - Fantasy - Harem - Magic - Magical Realism - Magical Technology - Romance - Sci-fi - Slice of Life - Supernatural - Tragedy - Dark - Gore - Isekai - Mythology - Mythical Creatures - Character Growth - Male Protagonist - Cautious Protagonist - Clever Protagonist - Cunning Protagonist - Confident Protagonist - Charismatic Protagonist - Calm Protagonist - Determined Protagonist - Genius Protagonist - Hated Protagonist - Underestimated Protagonist - Unlucky Protagonist - Overpowered Protagonist - Overpowered allies - Overpowered enemies - Enemies Become Allies - Enemies Become Lovers - Mystery - Mysterious Past - Psychological - Artifacts - Brainwashing - Kuudere - Loli - Yandere - Maids - Servants - Psychopaths - Possessive Characters - Quirky Characters - Royalty - Multiple Reincarnated Individuals - Monster Girls - Obsessive Love - Overprotective Siblings - Brother Complex - Sister Complex - Past Trauma - Wars. ----- Warning: English is not my first language, so I am using translator to share my story. ----- Important: I will be updating depending on my mood. This novel is a completely original work of mine. Also, this is my first time writing a novel, so I'm sorry if there are any spelling mistakes or errors in the writing. The cover image is not mine.

Nadie09 · Fantasy
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29 Chs

Apocryphal Incarnation (Ver. Español)

Luego de ser mortalmente herido en un ataque terrorista, nuestro protagonista despierta luego de un largo y oscuro sueño, en un mundo completamente diferente al que conocía. Para empeorar las cosas, gran parte de su memoria está borrosa y el "pilar" más importante de su vida, su hermana menor, posiblemente también fue arrastrado a este mundo. En un mundo de fantasía futurista donde está repleto de magia y espadas, nuestro protagonista hará lo que sea para encontrar a su único pariente, incluso si eso significa tener que poner medio mundo bajo su control. Por suerte, poco tiempo después de su llegada a este nuevo mundo, nuestro protagonista conoce a un fantasma llamado Gen que dice haber sido un héroe en su época de vida. Teniendo una gran variedad de conocimiento y dominio sobre la magia avanzada, este decide enseñarle todo lo que sabe al protagonista a cambio de una condición. A medida que más explora este mundo, más variedad de gente conocerá nuestro protagonista. Y entre esa gente, habrá muchos que mostrarán tener un gran poder y talento la cual el protagonista tratará de ponerlos bajo su control con fin de usarlos para completar su objetivo. ----- Tags: Action - Adventure - Comedy - Drama - Fantasy - Harem - Magic - Magical Realism - Magical Technology - Romance - Sci-fi - Slice of Life - Supernatural - Tragedy - Dark - Gore - Isekai - Mythology - Mythical Creatures - Character Growth - Male Protagonist - Cautious Protagonist - Clever Protagonist - Cunning Protagonist - Confident Protagonist - Charismatic Protagonist - Calm Protagonist - Determined Protagonist - Genius Protagonist - Hated Protagonist - Underestimated Protagonist - Unlucky Protagonist - Overpowered Protagonist - Overpowered allies - Overpowered enemies - Enemies Become Allies - Enemies Become Lovers - Mystery - Mysterious Past - Psychological - Artifacts - Brainwashing - Kuudere - Loli - Yandere - Maids - Servants - Psychopaths - Possessive Characters - Quirky Characters - Royalty - Multiple Reincarnated Individuals - Monster Girls - Obsessive Love - Overprotective Siblings - Brother Complex - Sister Complex - Past Trauma - Wars. ----- Importante: Estaré actualizando dependiendo de mi estado de ánimo. También, es mi primera vez escribiendo una novela, así que, lo siento si hay faltas de ortografías o error en la redacción. La imagen de la portada no es mía, ahí a un costado del imagen podrán encontrar el nombre del artista que dibujó esa obra maestra.

Nadie09 · Fantasy
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20 Chs