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I believe that u should continue on with this book it's a really good and quite an interesting especially with the MC being the brother to Namikaze Minato definitely something different from other books and stories but u can also write all those ideas and use them to make a different book in which u include those ideas into it so u won't have to quit on this book
No not a bot just a person that found this book and got interested by it not to mention a fan of pokemon and like reading stories about them
In my opinion would go with the Stark route with OC being Robb Stark's older brother not only will there be more options on how to go about the story but there be more chances to develope the characters from the North and the Stark family then what was showed in the show be able to dive in a bit into the characters development
The chapter was good except for the writing that included fonts and other symbols i.e ()// along with some misplaced words of he, her , etc. Other then that book has been good and interesting
Quite intriguing and interesting this book has been especially Uchiha Karan and the way how he has trained his soldiers and picked the right people to be General's as well Shadow Guards impressed by way the Shadow Guards were able to hold there own against Orochimaru overall enjoyed reading this book look forward for when ur able to get the chance to continue on with this book
Quite an interesting and intriguing book especially with how started with the MC in the beginning and of how the MC's character developed and how he has changed and acted different in way found his inner peace and knows what he wants in life along with the interesting characters he has met along the way like Jackie , Nari and Kalyia not to mention the memorable encounters with the Fire Nation and Prince Zuko and Iroh but overall enjoyed reading this book and got hooked on it look forward to finding out what happen next for the Uchiha clan can't wait for when ur able to get chance to continue with this book
Definitely quite a good book been interesting and intriguing to read especially when they accidentally go back in time 150 yrs or so quite curious as to how it'll go for Otto Hightower but overall have enjoyed how u have done this book cant wait to read more and when ur able to get the chance to continue with this book
Quite a interesting and intriguing MC , powerful mage and frankly greatest warrior in Planteos , intimidating while also loyal and respected just as is feared , having dragon's under his command, different ideas to prosper the land and people , and isn't afraid of any man nor afraid to do war not to mention intelligent with a brilliant mind definitely enjoyed reading this book and overall was hooked on this book look forward for when ur able to get the chance to continue on with this book quite different than others and is a good book overall
Quite a interesting and intriguing book especially with how the MC came to be in GOT along with his unique powers and abilities did enjoy the little plot twist with Petyr Baelish (not sure if spelled it right) along with healing Tyrion of his dwarfism overall it's been a good different kind of book look forward to reading more when ur able to get the chance
Quite a interesting and intriguing book especially with how Middle Earth has been set up and brought into the fold with many knowing of how powerful they are and of the influence it has not to mention with their king Eragon and the wise that he has along with his council including Tyrion Lannister overall like the idea of him no longer being Lannister and being part of the council in Middle Earth and the plot twists that have happened not to mention the book getting the readers hooked and into the book with something new or unexpected happening