

2021-11-09 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận

    Can someone send the link to the fanfic related to this chapter 🤣

    Ch 156 Chapter 155
    Cyberpunk 2077: The Legendary Life!
    Tranh châm biếm · FFAddict
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận

    None other *

    Leon was stealing Mark Zuckerberg's idea as he did to Winklevii and Narendra. He was using computers, rack servers, and other advanced gear with their blueprints that he purchased from the system store from Cyberpunk 2077, to create a website like new other.
    Shinobi Gamer in Marvel
    Tranh châm biếm · Tomas_Vega_2683
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận

    Reminds of scene in Zohan where everyone carries a gun or some weapon to confront zohan and phantom

    With determination in her eyes, Gina revealed a pair of concealed Desert Eagles she had stashed in the file cupboard. Glen, not one to be outdone, reached into his bag and produced an UZI. As if a spark had been ignited, the others in the room followed suit, arming themselves one by one.
    Re:life with Karmic Gacha (Modern Family)
    Ti vi · Alittlepiggy33
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận
    "Twas a wonderful duel," Diana said, putting in her opinion and complimenting both duelists. "You were both simply breathtaking to watch. I hope to test my blade against you as well someday, Sean."
    Gotham's Dead End Bar
    Tranh châm biếm · Daddy
  • Dhyan_Jain
    trả lời Hymaster986

    Alex when meeting shield :

    Fury nodded, satisfied with their course of action. "Let's move quickly," he said, his tone firm. "The longer we wait, the greater the risk of someone else snatching him up. And if Alex truly is the hacker Silverhand, we need him on our side before it's too late."
    Marvel in Between Flesh and Steel.
    Phim ảnh · TheMainPlagiaris
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận
    Do you guys want me to come back and continue writing this? I'm only asking since I'm not sure if anyone is interested in this story any longer. Do note that I'll switch the POV into the third person POV since it's stupid to write about a blind dude in first person lol, wish I would've thought about that before.
    A Blind Man In Twilight
    Phim ảnh · outsidr
  • Dhyan_Jain
     công bố

    This feels like a fresh breeze of air in HP fanfics . I really like the background and fact that MC is not all focused on harry potter and the antics

    The Hagrid's son
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Cadenadeaventuras
  • Dhyan_Jain
     công bố

    Well since the only chapter is a info dump and the concept is quite liking to my taste , i am looking forward to this and waiting for author to put some chapters

    Roy Mustang Template in Harry Potter
    Diễn sinh tác phẩm · Tomas_Vega_2683
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận

    I just imagined the army looks like helldivers

    To put the cherry on top, as the owner of 'Afterlife', Marcus customised the entire G.A.T force which will be stationed there. Their armours will be the same, only black; for the helmets, he went with a more skeletal look, similar to Iron Man's helmet, only more 'angry'.
    It Started With Devils & Artefacts
    Tranh châm biếm · Dragon15681
  • Dhyan_Jain
    trả lời Jhunior_ll


    Additionally, I returned the computer I bought because it kept malfunctioning. I got another one, and it just arrived. I only wanted to test the computer and a certain game, but ended up spending more hours than I anticipated safeguarding democracy, Superearth, our way of life!
    Cyberpunk: Arasaka Secret Son
    Tranh châm biếm · Jhunior_ll
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận

    it would be better if he redesigned the entire suit form scratch considering that he has access to more money than before

    Spiderman webbed his backpack on the roof of a nearby building. Then he scouted around, found a ventilation shaft in the far back, jumped on it, and pulled himself inside, trying his best not to make noise as he moved. The dust and webs were all over the shaft, which was a bit suffocating, but he continued moving forward. It was dark, but he could see well through the pitch-blackness, making it easier for him to move without any problem. After a few minutes, he came close enough to the other end of the ventilation shaft.
    Spider-Man 0X
    Tranh châm biếm · Xcalibur_Xc
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận
    DC: I am Bruce Wayne
    Tranh châm biếm · God_Doom
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận

    Coke is raw form of coal where its not completely black and charcoal

    Wow, they seem to have been reduced to a pile of coke.
    Seimeigakure: The Hidden Village of Life
    Tranh châm biếm · Cadenadeaventuras
  • Dhyan_Jain
    bình luận

    From two to ten ??

    Bruce checked his watch. Ten more minutes.
    Batman x Arc Reactor
    Tranh châm biếm · Xcalibur_Xc