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Any idea on the next chapter?
But it is? Look at every wizard as soon as expelliarmus is cast? They are nothing but a muggle once they lose their wand
Please, anything but a harem.
Did I miss something? Firebending friend? You mean the earth bending girl that he was flirting with?
Isn’t that what the dragon hearts are for lol? I’m sure they are great protein sources
I don’t know much about the elder or even blood he got but I believe it mentioned something about master of space and time? Could he go back and see them theoretically or even save them? I guess he could since he showed up and saved himself from Voldemort when he was a baby unless that came from a different power
I don’t know…maybe spending your 100 of your cool powers would be worth it lol
I wonder if he can still enter the spirit world now or maybe a different version of the spirit world? It would definitely be interesting
You know it’s interesting. A few years ago I wouldn’t touch a novel without romance being involved but now? It feels like the stories I read have no place for romance at all or it just ruins the characters. I usually read hp stories and the characters are so young so why would there be any romance until at least their 4th year. Katara may be easily swooned with jet but it’s hard to find her this easy and it just makes me lose interest. And in mha wtories they are focusing on being heroes thag they don’t have the time for relationships
Just had a colonoscopy today, would love a chapter of this story today