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this is actually a good idea because it gives more familiarity to the other characters and gives us the readers reason to connect with the side characters and give more aw and wow to mc whenever he does comeback to front stage just homing in that his a God
honestly the other choices are a bit too old for an 18 year old
reading this i already know this is going to scratch an itch in the back of my mind my favorite anime and my favorite Character in one story
my god how long is this flash back
skip to before Odin about a year or two to explain the relationship between Bor and Ender oh. and can you like give a reason for the Stone age avengers to explore or get something from Minecraft it'll also give you a reason to give some news on the other Elder God's you can even make that the reason for going there 😁
love both of your works wish you can update the other one soon
if you're done with reading this story read he's other book it's just as captivating
i just found this diamond and can't wait for a new chapter
what happened been 8 days since the last update?