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same just some of it is wrong or mixed up because its from fanfic and not the original
So you are saying it is a nove originaly from another auther he just changes things up like in a school essay you copy from a freind if yes thats just pathetic
Could also spell it Auswaehlen
Chill and boring are two diffrent things and i think many people agree with me on that you would not read a story thats only chill there needs to be somtheing going on be it comedy or romance but none of that is in this story and if you say there is romance in this story pls go outside
yeah and give him no chance to gain expirience let him be cooped up in the headquartes then give him 800 man to comand like idiots why not let him go to one of the four seas first with a small group and work him up from there no they send him directly to the new world its just stupid most of the responsibility should be on tsuru and zephyr honestly for not nurturing him corectly with the excuse of him being young
than the author should have made him the only one left of the family maybe include his sister and then there could still be a generic revenge arc
have to balance out the overwhelmingly good reviews witch is weird because the story is not good its just boring i had to force my self to read more after the first few chapters and even than nothing ever happend in the story i honestly hope this review will get deleted because than i know why it has such a good rating
but its not his its his parents/family now if the parent were dead that is another story he could take it but to come in and think i did nothing for it but its mine is stupid
its not his he did not build it it is not rightfully his why is it always like this its stupid