Well, kind of, I really like writing this, I have a proper outline with all the arcs and the ending but the lack of support is killing my motivation. I haven't decided to drop it just yet but updates will take longer.
I don't understand how being surprised about suddenly being transported equates to bring dumb.
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Franklin_Nwakamma8 months ago
công bố
Author here.
Please treat this as a Q/A section.
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Franklin_Nwakamma9 months ago
trả lời DJ_Black
I'm sure it's only been 16 days since I last updated. Anyway, the book hasn't been dropped, I'm just busy getting ready for upcoming exams. I'll make sure to put out a couple of chapters next week.
Trust me, I want to but that novel being my first novel, I didn't exactly plan it out so I sort of lost the plot along the way. That's on me, I know and apologize for the inconveniences it might have caused to stop updating all of a sudden.
Anyway, I'm thinking of remaking the novel with a well defined plot although there won't be any major changes to the main storyline so far but I don't know how that will pan out.