


I aint the best, but i am never the worst.I like writing fantasy

2021-08-27 đã tham giaPhilippines

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  • Razemaker
    Razemaker8 months ago
     công bố

    Shameless review from the author. Hope you enjoy my entry for 2024! Leave a stone or comment if you did. Or even a review if you liked the story so far! First system novel i attempted!

  • Razemaker
    Razemaker8 months ago
     công bố

    An interesting start and premise, with an interesting system that left me wanting to read more! Hoping to see more chapters of this novel!!! Hoping to see more of this flame spider and if giving that necklace was worth it!

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • Razemaker
    Razemakera year ago
    trả lời JBFIRE_77

    At this volume actually

  • Razemaker
    Razemakera year ago
    trả lời just_yu

    Things will change as they progress, don't worry!

  • Razemaker
    Razemakera year ago
    trả lời JBFIRE_77

    There's none, well no romance for the mc and major characters at least

  • Razemaker
    Razemakera year ago
     công bố

    Cool story with some funny dialogue and the sudden change of pace. A fun and neat story all in all.

  • Razemaker
    Razemakera year ago
     công bố

    The opening was very interesting, the writing style is simple to understand but able to give enough information to the reader. And introduces the character and their dynamics. All in all, a good read.

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • Razemaker
    Razemakera year ago
     công bố

    Straight into the point with the start. A cool introduction for the mc, . apart from some grammar issues in a few parts, this novel is a good read.

  • Razemaker
    Razemakera year ago
     công bố

    The opening gave me a good laugh, interesting perspective and the way its used is good, can't find much faults here. All in all its a great novel with a funny start!

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • Razemaker
    Razemakera year ago
    bình luận

    I was thinking that the loading would just freeze at 99%

    Sách này đã bị xóa

The Last of Humanity

Basamesis, the final city of the world with the remnants of humanity and life itself from trees to animals. war, greed, and carnage has destroyed the earth. Lush green fields of jungles to grasslands reduced to brown never ending dirt and mud lands. The ocean, reduced but rumored to still exist. Basamesis started as a small united community of people in the thousands. As time went on and the population of the once small human survivors grew, they discovered underground lakes beneath them, even starting to farm, improving the way of life for the better. Eyeing the brown land beyond, thinking of expanding it. But they had to improve the city itself, advancing and upgrading the farms to boosting freshwater production from the underground lakes to further help the future populace. To do this, the leaders of Basamesis formed the "Academy of the future" tasked with teaching the children of each generation the ways of life, and basic skills all must know in Basamesis, from basic maintenance of utilities like toilets and showers. To cooking and the basic things to know of life all must know to live. Once the students graduate after 18 years of being taught the basic requirements to survive, they are all given choices, specialized occupations for working inside the city or outside. The students will undergo varying amount of years of specialized training for these jobs. From scientists to explorers. 10 years with the implementation of this system, the academy began creating a research department wishing to prioritize advancing their technology further. As time continued, technology advanced and the academy grew stronger and stronger. Until they became the new leaders of Basamesis. 40 years after all this, Edmund Corin finally graduated as the 50th batch of students of the city, witnessing the city he grew up in advance as he aged. He always dreamt of seeing what's beyond, if there was anything other than brown dirt, see if there are any other signs of life be it hostile or friendly to them. Now the only thing that stood in front of him and his wish to see the world beyond is joining the explorers branch and spending 2 years to finally become an explorer with his 2 best friends.

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