

2021-08-15 đã tham giaGlobal

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  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời Chaos_Serpent

    You have already copy pasted a dozen times, just stop now, we get it

    "I don't want Cassie to spend another night near this statue. Let's leave now."
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời Natsuki_Subaru_9081

    Little kid, no one is avoiding anyone, neph didn't even know sunny at that time, why would actively avoid her. Webnovel reader always worship the mc as some of kind of god💀.

    'A dying angel being consumed by shadows… why does it sound so ominous? I should try and stay away from angels in the future. Gee, what has become of my life. A sentence like that doesn't even sound insane anymore…'
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời Rhizanthys

    What?? How is she your fav? When we haven’t seen any thing about her except in the few sentences she was mentioned?

    Ch 29 The Last Day on Earth
    Shadow Slave
    Kỳ huyễn · Guiltythree
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời spectermerlin

    Wah, it just ends like that? Welp, it is better to be done with it than continuing the discussion any further

    Captain Arthur launched strikes of flickering thunder that came at the speed of light. Strike after strike, whipping at Hunter from his hands. Each attack was followed by a loud crack in the air, almost shattering his eardrums.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời spectermerlin

    You do you, and I don’t need to affirm my replies with a like to be proved right

    Captain Arthur launched strikes of flickering thunder that came at the speed of light. Strike after strike, whipping at Hunter from his hands. Each attack was followed by a loud crack in the air, almost shattering his eardrums.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời spectermerlin

    No I didn’t, I was making a example of how hard magic works, and my argument isn’t about whether the concept of lightning was tweaked or not, my arguement basis is of the power leap being too big

    Captain Arthur launched strikes of flickering thunder that came at the speed of light. Strike after strike, whipping at Hunter from his hands. Each attack was followed by a loud crack in the air, almost shattering his eardrums.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời spectermerlin

    And would you please stop liking your replies, it doesn’t any how strengthen your argument.

    Captain Arthur launched strikes of flickering thunder that came at the speed of light. Strike after strike, whipping at Hunter from his hands. Each attack was followed by a loud crack in the air, almost shattering his eardrums.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời

    Only the first sentence was directed toward you. I did list most of arguments below, choosing to ignore them is your side of problem, not like you didn’t start it first

    Captain Arthur launched strikes of flickering thunder that came at the speed of light. Strike after strike, whipping at Hunter from his hands. Each attack was followed by a loud crack in the air, almost shattering his eardrums.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời spectermerlin

    Yeah, you can’t read for sure, you don’t assert something that is already stated several times, the author already mentioned about it to me, yet I still chose to disagree, for a reason. I know his magic-casting speed isn’t light speed but the atk that is conjured is still light speed, which the mc can’t possibly dodge, not to mention, how the captain never thought of backing while casting the spell is beyond me

    Hunter slid underneath the horse's front legs, his boot tearing through the dirt with a crunching screech.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời spectermerlin

    Brother, just say your are a d sucker. Tbh, I kinda of like the author due to his previous work, the pope one, except the fights — which were written very poorly, everything else was great. As for this novel, the leap in power scale is too illogical, and the arguement of it being a fantasy or a high fantasy world doesn’t really work since the setting is of hard magic, it certainly has limitation, you can’t just ascend to godhood instantly, or warp reality after just starting to learn magic.

    Captain Arthur launched strikes of flickering thunder that came at the speed of light. Strike after strike, whipping at Hunter from his hands. Each attack was followed by a loud crack in the air, almost shattering his eardrums.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời spectermerlin

    Yeah sure, dodging a light speed atk. If he couldn’t even react to mc’s increased speed, how is he even perceiving his own atk, a light speed atk.

    Hunter slid underneath the horse's front legs, his boot tearing through the dirt with a crunching screech.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    trả lời MisterImmortal

    I just passed it off as you using light speed for rhetoric effect, but were you being really serious? Do you perhaps mean lightning speed? There is a HUGE diff between light and lightning speed, you know that right? A thunder or any huge cluster of energy coming at the speed of light would absolutely annihilate anything in its path. To dodge that, you would have dodge before the spell is even casted, during which the spell caster could definitely have changed his gesture and the atk course.

    Captain Arthur launched strikes of flickering thunder that came at the speed of light. Strike after strike, whipping at Hunter from his hands. Each attack was followed by a loud crack in the air, almost shattering his eardrums.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    bình luận

    Yeah sure, the captain just stood there still while raining the strikes, no tactic of shooting while retreating backward. he just let hunter get near him without deterring him the slightest?

    Hunter slid underneath the horse's front legs, his boot tearing through the dirt with a crunching screech.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    bình luận

    There is no way the atks are as fast as light, there isn’t any possibility of hunter being able to perceive an atk that is as fast as light, not even with aura. The jump in power is too big, from just running at slight above-humanly possible speed to being able to perceive and react to light speed atks?

    Captain Arthur launched strikes of flickering thunder that came at the speed of light. Strike after strike, whipping at Hunter from his hands. Each attack was followed by a loud crack in the air, almost shattering his eardrums.
    God Of Trash
    Kỳ huyễn · MisterImmortal
  • TheFrustratedOne
    bình luận

    the word structure is so bad\

    "I have no idea, for all we know, you might not get a single benefit from it. It might just slowly burn away at your soul, or perhaps you'll be able to stand toe to toe with those who inherited the blood of those who inherited the power of the Gods, and the like. Bloodline Bearers. Well, I say that. But you'll probably get some sort of flame related ability since you know, your heart belonged to the God of the Sun and Fire, so I'd be worried if you got some other type of power."
    Reborn As The Villainess's Knight
    Kỳ huyễn · Ramen_Guy10
  • TheFrustratedOne
    bình luận

    review the chapter before uploading it

    It granted superior to ehancement compared ordinary Mana Enhancement and superior healing to ordinary healing Magic. However it consumed a much larger amount of Mana than it's weaker counterparts.
    Reborn As The Villainess's Knight
    Kỳ huyễn · Ramen_Guy10
  • TheFrustratedOne
    bình luận

    use some kind of grammar checker

    I took a few deep breaths and calmed down, if Reinhardt had just died, then I would be found in a week. In the original story, Reinhardt's corpse would be found by Imperial Knight's a week after his passing.
    Reborn As The Villainess's Knight
    Kỳ huyễn · Ramen_Guy10
  • TheFrustratedOne
    bình luận


    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • TheFrustratedOne
    bình luận

    the story already has 20 chapters and i might be a little late, still, my suggestion would be adding lore different yet at the same time built on jjk's premise, since there are a lot of things unexplored in jjk and jjk itself is lacking in its story

    Sách này đã bị xóa
  • TheFrustratedOne
    bình luận

    this clause is repeated

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