Hi, I go by Fritz Humboldt and I write whatever I'm hyper-fixating on or just whatever comes to mind. Want me to finish a story? Take over my body and make me lmao. (Not shared with Noah Humboldt)
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-Sigh- Yes I'll make more.
Now I have motivation. Thanks.
Sangre Sustantivo Sangre que se ha derramado, especialmente como resultado de la violencia. "Quiero que seas tú quien destroce mi patético cuerpo de fieltro ..." *Esta es la misma historia que Flesh and Felt, decidí escribirla en un idioma que entendiera. Esto se actualizará al mismo tiempo que Flesh and Felt en inglés.*
Gore Noun Blood that has been shed, especially as a result of violence. "I want you to be the one to tear my pathetic felt body apart..." This is updated semi-daily, I gotta feed you fireflies.
A teenager with an attitude is thrown into a colourful arts & crafts world, hurt and confused, but not to worry, big daddy Red will make everything all better! Or perhaps they are the ones in need of assistance... ||Story contains graphic Gorey themes, trauma-triggering events, some sexual themes, and strong language. Caution is to be exercised.|| ||Story contains the following philias Teleiophilia, Aphenphosmphila, Carnophilia, Cenophilia, Chirophilia, Ephebiphila, Ereuthrophila, Erythrophile, Erotophile, Hedonophile, and Hypengyophile.||
Uhm really this is just requests from my Ao3 that I'm posting here for a friend who has Ao3 blocked :)
“Are you an angel?” You ask the man before you. “I am your true savior.” He replies. Your lonely and battered heart is captured by a deceitful creature, its heart is cold and dark…but only for so long. Your true savior, a creature of lies, an angel. You will do everything he asks of you no matter what.
You always had an attraction to scp-049 you had no idea why but you did and you constantly would wish for him to be real. Well, seems like someone from above was listening because now you're living with him, nothing could go wrong! Right? RIGHT?!
After countless months of slaughtering various men and women for research purposes, as your captures called it, they decided to let you interact with another one of their prisoners on this particular day. After that interaction, you hoped for more.