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That's the exact image I was going for and I was gonna upload it here but for some reason I can't.
It's so weird just to picture Danzo of all people to actually say please
Wha—! ?
A lock of hair? They counted her hair? They sure had a lot of time in they're hands
Thanks for the feed back! I'll change that right away.
It is not an isekai, i mad an OC.
Do you guys think zero two would work on this fanfic? The door could apper to zero two when she was a child and she was being experimented on.
liked the concept and all that, its just why does the main character not make anything of the memories he was given by the allspark? i mean i get it, if he made anything revolutionary and it got to the wrong hands, its gonna be a bad thing! but cant he like make a base for himself? i mean he can take a forest and make it cybertronian metal in a second(though it was accindental), like he can find a cave and do that and he has a secret base to make do of the memories he got and make life and shit. but no all he does is run around making super cars! thats awesome and all but why does he have to search for scrapped car parts? again he can make metal out of anything and its gonna be tougher than any earth metal he can find! if your're gonna doubt what i said and say he has to find the parts he cant make, well it was mentioned in the story that the main character has the memories of all the dead tramsformers, im assuming the primes are parts of those memories AND if im not wrong solus prime is in there to who by the way is a blacksmith and imventor. im pretty sure he make all the parts he needs. and then theres the later parts of the story! i mean i get that you want us to know how prime got matrix of leadership and how megatron became megatron, but come on! the story was just getting interseting for the main character! he was getting chased by megatron, theres the mysterious queen of the forest transformer, and then she and optimus meets for the first time and then the revelation that the original vessel for the allspark is in the hands of the military, and you gave us a big cliff hanger in the form of a very very long arc wow!!! youre amazing( its long beacuse the update speed is abbysmal)