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What? It went from ninety-third (93) to seventy-eighth (78), you must've misread the numbers..
I never thought I'd live to see the day where an MC can wear normal clothes without veing looked down upon by the sales rep... I can die in peace now
There was somone after me? Didn't even know.. You should definitely come back though!
Idk whats got your panties in such a twist but why dont you just shut tf up and go read a different novel?
"Harry leaned forward so that he could see past Dumbledore. Mad-Eye Moody was sitting there — except that there was a very noticeable difference in his appearance. He did not have his magical eye, but two normal ones.” This is from the fifth book, Harry is watching the scene from the trial of the Death Eaters and Moody still has both eyes. So he must've lost it after the war while he was hunting down the Death Eaters that were in hiding..
Are you sure? The wiki said it was after the war.. Well either way it definitely wasn't before 1977
Idk either - I guess because she's a little kid..? should I change that? It's kinda annoying imo
It's also the alias MC used during his Apparition course
i thought so too, he's too crazed/obsessed/vengeful imo
Casting with multiple wands doesn't simply spread the power between them, neither in canon nor this story, so casting with one wand wouldn't produce one spell that's 200x more powerful... I don't like that logic either but idk it doesn't really matter to me, it's just Author's preferred way of making MC OP...