


I saw that I can write so why not to share that with someone and know his opinion about my books. am working hard to do that so if you see that my writing is good let me know...

2021-06-22 đã tham giaEgypt

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  • The_author21
    bình luận


    "You did what!" My father shouted standing above me, then he took control of me and said, "What did I tell you, James?" I became angered by those words and I broke free before I shouted, "And what did I tell you, I didn't want this life I hate being a vampire I want to be a human again but no you get to decide everything." My father was startled by my resistance and my mother placed her hand on my shoulder and I shook it away and said, "And you just stood there and let him take my life and gave no worry about my life but your own, so you don't get to worry about me, not anymore." I looked at my father and mother I asked them, "And who is Anya to me, how could she control me as you can huh?" They were both startled and my mother replied, "We wanted to hide this from you but I guess we have no choice anymore, Anya is your... Mother."
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    trả lời Anthony_Galloway


    Once the night had fallen the moon was full and the party was going on, music, dancing, drinking, drugs, and there was blood not just any blood they brought live drugged humans to the party. I tried to conceal myself because if I had any human blood I wouldn't be able to stop. No vampire has the will to stop not even the famous Dracula from the tales. As the warm human blood dropped everywhere it became evermore hard to fight the temptation but I fought as hard as I could. Gabrial walked to me in a party mood and asked me what my problem was and to just have a little fun. Honestly, I could but if I just got a smudge of loose near blood I would be a real vampire, heartless, ruthless, and careless vampire. I told him about it and his only reaction was to make me dance and I followed his lead and went with the flow and danced a little. Then a human was running, I could hear it and when I turned around the blood-drenched human collapsed on top of me and the blood got on my face and some made it into my mouth.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    trả lời Anthony_Galloway

    your book or my book?

    Once the night had fallen the moon was full and the party was going on, music, dancing, drinking, drugs, and there was blood not just any blood they brought live drugged humans to the party. I tried to conceal myself because if I had any human blood I wouldn't be able to stop. No vampire has the will to stop not even the famous Dracula from the tales. As the warm human blood dropped everywhere it became evermore hard to fight the temptation but I fought as hard as I could. Gabrial walked to me in a party mood and asked me what my problem was and to just have a little fun. Honestly, I could but if I just got a smudge of loose near blood I would be a real vampire, heartless, ruthless, and careless vampire. I told him about it and his only reaction was to make me dance and I followed his lead and went with the flow and danced a little. Then a human was running, I could hear it and when I turned around the blood-drenched human collapsed on top of me and the blood got on my face and some made it into my mouth.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    Gosh 🤦

    Once the night had fallen the moon was full and the party was going on, music, dancing, drinking, drugs, and there was blood not just any blood they brought live drugged humans to the party. I tried to conceal myself because if I had any human blood I wouldn't be able to stop. No vampire has the will to stop not even the famous Dracula from the tales. As the warm human blood dropped everywhere it became evermore hard to fight the temptation but I fought as hard as I could. Gabrial walked to me in a party mood and asked me what my problem was and to just have a little fun. Honestly, I could but if I just got a smudge of loose near blood I would be a real vampire, heartless, ruthless, and careless vampire. I told him about it and his only reaction was to make me dance and I followed his lead and went with the flow and danced a little. Then a human was running, I could hear it and when I turned around the blood-drenched human collapsed on top of me and the blood got on my face and some made it into my mouth.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    omg 😱 AN ANIMAL

    This time I showed up when I was supposed to but on the way, I stumbled upon Gabrial, and he suddenly asked me if I was Going to the party. I of course told him yes and continued our way to school. When we arrived I immediately went to find Tanya and apologize for not showing to work on our project. She took it really well for someone who looks to be the type to snap easily. I told her I would work on the rest of it and she said we can work on it after school. Shortly after the fire alarm came on and the administrator said on the intercom, "Every student and faculty member must leave the building, there has been an animal attack in the school." And she repeated it once more before cutting off. Everyone had left the building, but it was funny because I couldn't smell an animal anywhere. Tanya said that she hopes it wasn't the bear she had saw.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    sorry I have no power stone to give u now 😔 but I will vote tomorrow 👍😁

    Ch 2 First Day
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    what did she killed the wolves???? 😲

    After the conversation, he left with our warning about alpha X and was on his way. I walked him out and he ran off. I walked back inside and shut the door and Kia was on the other side of the door. Leaned against the wall he said menacingly, "Who was that brother?" My eyes turn red and I push him into the wall and I speed over to him and punch him to the ground and say, "Listen, Kia, I didn't mean to kill her I was new to this OK just leave me alone. And I run to my room and lock the door then lay on my bed. "This is why I didn't want this, I hate death."
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    falling in love ha 😏

    "Do tell." Dr. Alpine said intrigued by me before I took over and said, "A very long time ago a theory lies that when vampires existed they roamed the land of the living as the undead. This story is how they use to feed. A vampire would meet a person and get to know them make a personal connection with the living human and after a while, they feel no need to fight the temptation of warm pulsing human blood. And once they are alone with their newfound friend they look them in the eyes, make them feel safe, make them feel real trusting and once the time is right they feed. It is very rare for a vampire to stop biting or to even turn someone due to the craving for blood." The class was quiet and Dr. Alpine said, "Well James excellent story I'm sure the class enjoyed it as well as I did, now we talk about the project you have to do on it. The whole class sighed out of inconvenience. Then he told us to get into groups of two and pick which creature to do the project on. I looked at Tanya and she smiled and nodded at me so I walked over.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    so he isn't a werewolf after all ig

    The one on the left said, "So your what I have been smelling all morning... Another vampire is in town." He and neither did his friend smelled like a dog so what was he and how could he smell me. He continues and says, "Don't even lie I can smell you you clearly aren't a werewolf nor a regular wolf." I asked, "You two are vampires as well are you?" I walked away from the faucet and into the middle of the restroom. He nods his head and the one on the right said, "You'd better watch out for alpha X he doesn't play about vamps being here he hates them more than anything." Then the one on the right followed with, "I'm going to class." And he leaves the restroom. The one on the left then introduced himself as Gabrial and he was 3 centuries old. He walked in further and said, "We have 5 minutes until class starts and I wanted to invite you to a party, a vampire party only so no human friends allowed nor any wolf friends allowed either." I accepted the invite and asked him, "What's up with alpha X?" He told me to ask when we had more time to talk but he did say, "The party is at a friend's house I'll give you the written location, there will be games, socializing, and drinks." He giggled and muttered, "Humans." And he parted ways from me and left to class as well as I after saying the party was Friday night.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    another werewolf 🙄

    The one on the left said, "So your what I have been smelling all morning... Another vampire is in town." He and neither did his friend smelled like a dog so what was he and how could he smell me. He continues and says, "Don't even lie I can smell you you clearly aren't a werewolf nor a regular wolf." I asked, "You two are vampires as well are you?" I walked away from the faucet and into the middle of the restroom. He nods his head and the one on the right said, "You'd better watch out for alpha X he doesn't play about vamps being here he hates them more than anything." Then the one on the right followed with, "I'm going to class." And he leaves the restroom. The one on the left then introduced himself as Gabrial and he was 3 centuries old. He walked in further and said, "We have 5 minutes until class starts and I wanted to invite you to a party, a vampire party only so no human friends allowed nor any wolf friends allowed either." I accepted the invite and asked him, "What's up with alpha X?" He told me to ask when we had more time to talk but he did say, "The party is at a friend's house I'll give you the written location, there will be games, socializing, and drinks." He giggled and muttered, "Humans." And he parted ways from me and left to class as well as I after saying the party was Friday night.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận


    Then a howl sounded in the forest and I became paranoid and once again ran off. Then I began to hear twenty feet tailing me from all directions but ahead. I was about to leave the forest and I was mauled by a giant grey wolf. It had me pinned against the ground whilst trying to take my head off. I struggled to overpower it and as my arm gave up I see Kia knock it against another tree. I stood up and the rest of the wolves made it to our location. Then both my mother and father were here and we stood close. Then someone walked out of the fog was a European male what it seemed to be but he had long black hair and a dark complexion and new moon yellow eyes. "Filthy undead creatures, evil nasty manipulative beings, and not to mention thinking they can reside where they please." The man said in a relaxing manner before sitting on a rock and continuing. "Vampires aren't allowed in LA." Said the European man before standing once again walking past one of the werewolves. My father suddenly said, "And who may I ask made this rule?" My father then walks closer to the pack of dogs and says, "Who is in charge of this territory?" The European man walked closer and replied, "Alpha X is in charge and he alone made this rule to protect not only his packs but the people of this city." Kia hissed and our father canceled him and asked the man who he was, and the man told him, "My name is Apollo last name is not for you." He walked behind a wolf after he spoke.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
     công bố

    I am still in the beginning but I imagine this book in a Hollywood movie style idk why tbh 😅 but I like it and am starting reading it now so keep going Author and if u want any contact with me to help you with the book u can ask me for my discord acc

    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    it's a palace wow

    The place my parents picked was Las Vegas one of the most populated cities in the country. But our home wasn't that bad it was half the size of our old one and that mansion was huge. It had a total of 15 rooms, 17 bathrooms, 26 closets, one giant office room, one and a half kitchens, 2 laundry rooms, a loft, a living room, and obviously 3 floors. This wasn't home sweet home but it was a new experience for all of us. And another bright side is that we get to keep our own rooms like we used to do.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    why are they thinking that this family did that thing?! it might be anyone else

    I was in my room and I was quickly packing my things while thinking about the coming future of our life. Where could we move to keep us discreet? Maybe somewhere full of forest or maybe someplace in the open what is father thinking about right now? Knocking sounded on our front door and all of us immediately rushed to the door and our father was already there. He opened the door and one of the men from earlier was back and he looked to be in a bad mood because he began yelling at us and said, "You monsters how could you!?" Our father replied, "What are you talking about man?" He started doing hand motions and said, "You people or whatever you are killed our dog and left him on our doorstep." Our father's voice had turned into a nightmarish tone and he said deeply, "Our family has nothing to do with the killings and if you come here again we are going to have a problem understand?"
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    oooh Drama

    "What do you mean leaving," I asked my father. Kia says in an ordinary tone, "Why can't we just kill them and burn them like the animals." Our father moved to Kia and pushed him against the wall and his eyes were red like mothers and he snapped at Kia, "Listen to me boy if you even think of that again I will-." Then Kia Abruptly says, "What? kill me do it make yourself more of a monster than you already are." Our father's eyes dimmed and he walked away then Kia said,
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    trả lời Anthony_Galloway

    Don't mention it and am waiting for your good plot 😉 😁..

    Ch 1 A Family Of Vampires
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    I say that you have to change your book cover try to make it more interesting or you can search on Pinterest instead if your book is describing anime you can search for anime looks on it also the description of book u should correct it well to make the readers more interest. btw thanks for giving me power stone on my book and I hope u like it and keep going 😊

    Ch 1 A Family Of Vampires
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận


    My mind was being clouded by her and she made me tell her the truth, "Mother I spent all day at the lake I have not seen or killed a wolf today or ever." Then I snapped back and shook my head side to side. My father walked up to my mother and said, "If the locals suspect us then we have no choice but to do one thing... Leave."
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    older sister seems like mom 😂😂

    My older sister Anya came into my discombobulated room and asked me, "Have you seen my wolf's fang, James?" I jumped off my huge bed and said, "No maybe the twins know they were messing with some teeth a week ago." She walked in and said, "You know for being a neat freak your room sure is messy like really? underwear on the floor... You need to clean this mess." She then rushes out to find the twins and I used my speed to power clean my room and finished in 10 minutes flat.
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway
  • The_author21
    bình luận

    only a rabbit 😂

    "I'm home!" A thundering voice poured throughout the house and I knew it was my father's so I use my super speed to rush to the door and there he was. My father walked into the house in an all-black suit with combed brown hair and his fancy shoes. "Ah, James you must be starving here take this rabbit." He pulled a dead rabbit out of his bag that sat on his waist and handed it to me. "Thanks, father I was hungry what took so long?" He dusted his chest off and said, "Just taking care of business, Oh by the way where is your mother?" I replied, "In the study room?"
    The Tale Of Vampires And Werewolves
    Kinh dị ma quái · Anthony_Galloway