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I didn't feel confused by your writing itself, I just haven't seen a supernatural series. I don't know who the hunters are, who the main character is, and who the people who talked in the first chapters are. It's similar to, for example, if you opened a 100-chapter novel from chapter 50, not chapter 1, you'll understand the events of the chapter, but you don't know who is talking in the chapter, nor do you know the course of events that are happening, and you don't understand the topic they are talking about.
Hmm okay that's weird I know your novel I read the first and second chapters but I didn't watch Supernatural so I felt very confused by the whole thing and stopped but I'm sure I didn't add the novel to the library
Author did you delete a novel and add this novel in its place? Because I did not add this novel to my library, but I suddenly found it there.
Congratulations on the 400th chapter!
Please no tragic ending, it doesn't matter if he was tortured all the way, please make the ending happy
Good luck with your exams, I know how it feels to have a lot of exams, I hope you come back when the exams are over and don't stop writing the novel
CN, sigh
The messages that contain a site to read the novel have been deleted. Can you send them again?