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books descent so far the Biggest issue is will the MC accept slavery especially with Rias or Sona cuz that's automatically a No personally Even positive interactions are a negative DxD Devils Arnt "Good" sure some are "Less Evil" than others but The entire race deserves the emperor wrath honestly Great idea Reborn as The Emperor's Champion in DxD, Purging the Demons, Saving Humanity from the unknown threats ect
Dragon Duce? Dues? Deuss, whatever the word it pretty sure it means 2 in Spanish or something and we'll Draig + Albion, Great Red + Ophis Thier born in pairs with the other being Thier eternal rival or something
that might have came out a bit too rude my bad 😅
ahh a Casual Who doesn't know what their talking about Nasuverse Magic is Conceptual in nature well Low-Conceptual but still is Reinforcement magecraft Reinforces the Targets Concept a Knife becomes more "Knife" Food becomes more "Food" It might not make sense But Think what you do think when you here knife Sharp, Piercing, Stabbing, Killing, Cutting, Slicing ect those get Reinforced for food well Let's say a Apple when you think of an apple what do you think Healthy, Fruit, Sweet Also The "Apple a day keeps the doctor away" Might just become Slightly more Factual due to how conceptual natures work Anyway it's much much more complex than your showing
Chinese translation already has 900~ and had 600~ before this author even started translating though again ill admit this is higher quality
tbh probably any Yu-Gi-Oh and Fate fan already has theirs a Low quality Chinese translation of this at like 981~ chapters I was already at like 280~/730~ before this book even came up but I'll admit this does seem to be higher quality so the author has that going for them
ehh soso most people don't realize that Yu-Gi-Oh could actually be compared to some much more dangerous worlds ya know Time Travel, God slaying, Immortals who break the rules by being too strong like Mr T who is the embodiment of Human Evil, Multiple world ending events, Alien Invasions, Mind Control, Possession, Genocides, ect and all of that happens in the Main Worlds Not even touching what happens in the Spirt worlds where Duel Sports Arnt held back by world laws but can fully unleash Insane levels of power in all honestly DM probably has a Higher death count than any other anime Soly due to the orcholeos arc where 6~ Billion people died in 2~ weeks not to mention 10 Billion Total for that "Arc" Having killed countless others over those 10,000 Years But Fate also has similar level beings like servants, Evils of Humanity, Grand Servants, Type-Planets, True magic ect
tbh let's be real it was 90 percent luck 9 percent willpower and 1 percent skill He himself Said he was wrong on his own topics idk how many times then went and retracted those words when he realized no he was right then he said he was wrong again Cuz Something else proved it wrong had he been a Genius he would have gotten it right the first time and not needed to keep proving himself right and wrong and keep working towards the truth that's Willpower I'll admit his willpower is something I'll never even have 1/1,000,000 of
make the east 95 percent half of the island half gravity while the west 5 percent half 3x gravity your suddenly moving West or east possibly and if that doesn't work like that you could simply chuck a rock and have it have 500x gravity for 3 seconds then reduce it to normal but yeah I see your point to some degree
honestly it is kinda funny but In all seriousness No the dude didn't take one they came out after he died But Multiple sources put his IQ at 90, 105, 112, 120, 150, 160, 168, 180 and well the first one would put him as "Mentally Slow" the second one as Lower Average the 3rd as Higher Average the 4th as Above Average ect